Organic Tea, for plants

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by 420, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. 420

    420 KING

    hey everybody, do any of you growers out there know of a good organic tea that would be good for two plants just starting to flower,and one about two and a half weeks into it? Somthing with a good amount of nitrogen, alot of phosphorus, and just a bit more potassium than N.

    :XXhippylove: ​
  2. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I believe alfalfa meal makes a good tea and also sprinkle some on the soil top.

    has a 4-1-1 rating I understand.

    it depends on what materials you have.

    There is lots of stuff to make teas from.

    I often feed with fishemulsion but some find it smelly. Same too with liquid kelp.

    Nitrogen and trace there.

    What materials do you have access to?
  3. 420

    420 KING

    I have some fertilome 5-59-8 ithink, its chemical though,

    I have mixed guano, epsom salt, and dolomite into a tea and it worked well,

    do you think I can make a tea with the chem's?
  4. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I'm not a big fan of guanos as teas for veg but I do add it in flowering to my liquid feeding program.

    Well using a chemical fert.. Is a thing un to itself.

    About a flowering mix. I was putting bone meal in the soil a little at a time in my feeding layers but I also made teas from bone meal soaked in hot water.

    I use crawfords micronized compost , kelp, molasses, coffee and sea bird guano high in P.
  5. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    Stay away from chemical based ferts of anykind. Listen to Randy about those fish emulsions and kelp, with some nitrogen based organics. Better than the bat guano and less stressful on the plants than the chems.
  6. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I try not to be some guy that spews crap on how others grow. Like Herb says there are many ways to grow a plant.

    But I know from experience that a living soil produces the best buds fo me.

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