What are the effects of growing organically? i hear it is for the taste, but yeah. What can I do to get good tasting weed, lol. i guess thats the simplest way i can put it. thnx for any help, later.
you should read some of the posts in the organic forum. This might give you a better idea. but were all here to help but try to post in the right section though
Depends of what you mean by organic. Bio active soils are the thing imo. Just pouring a fert considered "organic" on yer plant may not be the best thing. I would say a bio active soil is the way to go for some buds that months later smell like heaven. I break open a jar, grind up some bud and roll a few of those really long joints, put them in a zip lock, show up some place and open the bag and the room goes "wow' do you smell that. Then I light it and the odor of the burning joint gets comments like "that" really smells good or "I had weed like that long ago." So bio-active grown seems to have and hold it's smell, taste and high a long time. I do keep the buds in jars in a dedicated mini-fridge at 41 degrees F.
i feel stupid... bio active soils? you'll tell me and i'll know... just can't say i've ever heard that term before, thanks for teh clearification
I think he's referring to beneficial microbes such as bacteria being used to breakdown nutrients in the soil for the plant to consume. This is the way it works in nature. Organics are worthless unless your plant can consume them.
Exactly fishman. Big containers of soil, full of the materials microbes eat. As the microbes eat their way through life they provide the "nutes" plants need. I don't expect folks to get as nutty as I do with my soil; I do a "hot" compost in place every year but, many store bought soil mixes are good and some are excellent. I would also assume that the "organic" soil mixes have the microbes in them. I have always liked OG. Try the magizine Organic gardening.. There" target="_blank">http://www.organicgardening.com/ There is a fine source for information.... Every gardener does things his/her own way and the best of it we share. I believe is more than "dirt." A soil that has food energy for both plant and micobes will grow a healthy and enjoyable plant IMO.
The plants ability to uptake nutriends and make great budz comes down to the Bio Availability in the soil. Increase Bio Availibility by adding a small amount of a variety of organic nutrients (if organic is the route you decide on taking). I get huge tasty buds with Bloodmeal, Bat quano , liquid Fish fert, and Seaweed (seaweed is full of micro organisms that promote microbial activity and contain micro nutrients (some not yet believed to be discovered by science). The most important thing for you to have good tasting and smelling herb, is to grow good smell/taste strains! It is in my opinion a myth that organic bud is somehow superior to hydroponically grown, or vis versa. Take two clones and put one in a good organic mix, and the other in hydro. What do you get? The same exact pot that finishes a week or so quicker from the hydro set up. (Edited by Angry Iraqi at 4:29 am on Nov. 1, 2005)