Outdoor 2017

Discussion in 'Grow Log Forum' started by blazerwill420, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Getting started early. first up, soil prep. This is compost that I just kept adding to for the last two years in my composter.

    Black Gold


    All the stuff in the back (beets, turnips and peas) will be getting turned into the soil. The peas are nitrogen fixing, meaning they take nitrogen from the air and store it in the soil. All of it acts as "green manure" when you turn it into the soil and it decomposes.
  2. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    And on deck for cuts I have...

    The White - Dark Heart Nursery

    Chem4 and Sour D - Dark Heart Nursery

    SFVOG - Sherbert - Dark Heart Nursery
  3. Discorilla

    Discorilla Shining like a Discoball!

    Looking like a good lineup! I gotta hit them up when I got to Cali next.
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  4. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    You'll need paperwork unless you know someone. If you get down here and need help with that let me know. With the cuts that is, not the paperwork. according to AUMA I can legally give you weed now so...I am baked tonight. dabing, smoking, eating. Feeling good.
  5. Discorilla

    Discorilla Shining like a Discoball!

    Yeah, I'd have to hook up with a med patient or two in Cali. :)
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  6. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Is it true you can add chem fert soil to a composter if its been outside for like a year first?
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  7. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    no idea, but i don't see why it would matter how long it's been. if you do a compost pile right it gets hot enough to cook off everything and the chemicals that don't cook off should leach out from the water you add to the pile periodically. that's why i have plastic over the piles, it gets the pile cooking and sterilizes it.
  8. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Garden two. Go big or go home.
  9. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    I've been turning the grass into the soil for the last couple of days, I am going to plant spring veggies in here and then turn them into the soil in about april/may. I plan on having at minimum at least 50 plants in bloom between the two gardens by the end of the outdoor season this year. Thirty is the most I have ever done so it should be interesting.


  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Tuned in and bongin' in anticipation.
  11. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    getting it done...


    ResinRubber likes this.
  12. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Man that looks nice. I can almost smell the dirt from here. That's some wholesome work too.

    blazerwill420 likes this.
  13. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Thanks, sore until the dabs took over!
  14. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    This was the first and last time i grew in this spot (2011). I had tomatoes on the right and beans on the left trying to hide everything. i ended up with the worst spider mite infestation I have ever seen in my life. I threw every organic thing I could at them and those little fockers just partied on that shit.

  15. greenthumbwhitethumb

    greenthumbwhitethumb down w the moral majority

    spider mites have been the bane of my MJ existence. I can't even think on how to blast them outdoors.
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  16. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    The number one thing I did, and it sounds counter intuitive, was to stop using pesticides on my roses/flowers/lawn, etc. Once I did that then I introduced large amounts of lady bugs and praying mantis. Over time this brought back the natural order of things. I have not had an outdoor infestation of any significance since. The only thing I spray n the plants now is BT for the caterpillars and I usually stop that about two weeks before harvest. Nt saying I don't have bug problems though, every year it's always something. This past summer it was white flies, I just used DE until they buded and then sprayed them with water after that.

    These alien looking things here hit one of my cherry trees, no clue what they were but they hated DE.
    greenthumbwhitethumb likes this.
  17. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    DE is amazing shit. Messy to use IME but very effective. It gives me pleasure that it works by slicing the little fockers apart like razor blades! I imagine it would be like a human jumping into a giant vat of insulation and broken glass naked. Take that you bloody bastards!
    blazerwill420 likes this.
  18. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    IMG_2513.JPG Day 1 - these are all cheese krush clones I started back in September/October and never needed. I'll be lucky if I get a few ounces.
  19. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

  20. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Outdoor strays make for excellent cooking weed.
    blazerwill420 likes this.

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