Have this mold covering branches and making them wilt and die, lots of fog in my area. How to contain it?
We need alot more info to really help you out. What type of system are you using? Soil, hydro? How often are you watering? Sounds like your humidity is to high. Maybe you need to run a de-humidifier in the room?
Wow..that is a horrible thing to say Mr. H. Anyway, I got no idea what it is just yet, but I would like to see some pics and a more detailed description of how this mold progresses, maybe some pics.
Id just like to add that we need a pic...I noticed noone mentioned that yet. And thank you very much. I like your response mr h just for the record it was short, direct to the point, and very much so correct. man but if its outside and its too humid outside there's not much you can do with that, hence....ur fucked. By god.
thanks for the replys, its outdoor; soil, watering everyother day or even two days without water, have found ants munching around spots of it, black/grey ugly looking mold, I tried the tree prunning sealer but it just grows again thru it, now I am using a mix of natural oils and it seems to stop it good, got rid of lots of leaves in the lower area so I can see the stocks and the soil better hoping it will help with the humidity blaze
ok I'm a little late on this, but watering every two days is way too often. Also, when you water, don't pour the water right around the stem. Chances are that the overwatering and the constant moisture around the stem are causing the mold. Are they in pots or in the ground? Either way, every two days is too often unless they are rootbound in a pot Good luck