hello i have been taught so much from this website as far as symptoms signs and what to look for and how to fix so i was hoping for some help on this. ok background info im growing in soil 707 roots organic the nutes im using are general organics on a feed water cycle. my room is in the 70s days and 60s night. they are 5 weeks into flower but this started at the 2 week mark from the bottom up. 2nd pic is closer to the 3 week mark just starting to show signs this has been happening to all my grows so far and i cant seem to fix it any help or info appreciated.
thank you for the response my ph meter broke a few weeks ago next on my list ill have within the week but correct me if im wrong but i thought general organics didnt need ph adjustments? i have also heard that their cal-mag is weak true?
GO states no pH adjustment needed... I would NOT trust that as they have nothing to loose if your pH is off. A simple check after mixing is worth peace of mind IMHO. I dont buy the nutes being able to buffer ANY source of water to within optimal range. I ran Roots Natural and Organic potting mix once and have awful pH issues. As far as GO's Ca/Mg+ i did think it was very weak and founddoubling up on recommended doses to still leave my plants wanting more Ca/Mg. Id start with a nice flush of pH'd water only. let the soil dry out most of the way not letting the plants wilt then resume with a light feeding. Good luck and keep us posted. We like to see pics before theres a problem LMAO
you have a point there ill post up some picture of my lil ladies and ill start a grow log here as well. thank you for the response i did a flush on the lady in the first pic ill flush the second today. will the flush destroy the beneficial bacteria's and fungi? what would be a more stable soil to use? i heard roots was high quality so i switch from ocean forest to it but if there is a more stable and qaulity soil im all ears?
LOL i was using FFOF then tried the Roots and now im back to FFOF cut with 20% extra perlite and a lil dolomite lime. as far as the flush destroying the beneficials I do NOT believe its an issue. If you are worried you can reinnocculate.
hey man was wondering ... you said you flushed one already... did you get a new pH meter? if you didnt pH the flush water then you should do it again with water pH'd to 6.5
no meter my tap water is always at around 7 i know thats nothing exact but i thought it would make due or help until i get a new meter i think ill wait the other one out til i get a new one. also im using a spa water filter it was cheap and get all chlorine and most of the metals and minerals outta the water
It also depends on your soil, I started PH'ing my waster not long ago and then started to have leaves twist. My water is also between 7 and 8 out the tap. I use promix and the only way to keep the soil PH good is not to PH adjust and leave the water between 7 and 8 and then my promix will stay between 6 and 6.5.
Roots and FFOF as well as other "mixes" are pH buffered out of the bag to around 6.2 if you added dolomite lime to your promix it would stabilize the pH so you the adjust the nutrient solution to 6.5 which is where most of the nutrients are most readily available. If your nutrients are at 8 going in they are already compromised from being available.
so today is feed day I went and borrowed a friends ph meter and put my nutes together...my veg stuff was 6.6 after nutes :thumbs-up: which explains why I dont have these problems in veg...anyways my bloom nutes were at 5.5 :cry: i phed it up to 6.5 and feed one to see what my run off was and its at 6.2. now can I slowly bring the 3 that are just showing signs up by just giving them 6.5 from now on or should I just flush everything in the room?
ok thank you for the info everybody im gonna have to stock pile water for this flush it gonna be 50 gallon to flush all 5 of them but will be worth it and ill learn from this mistake and never trust ph buffered nutes again
how big are your pots? if you are in 5 gal buckets just flush with a min of 3 gals as long as you have plenty of runoff
im in 5 gallons i was lead to believe 2x the pot size so 10g pre pot is that not correct? also i added a outdoor journal and im working on getting my indoor journal goin