
Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by forensic420, May 24, 2005.

  1. forensic420

    forensic420 Germinated

    What's up people, it has been awhile since I've visited. Any way, it's been raining quite a bit here lately, I have two 1-week old plants out in the woods in plastic cups. The plants seem to be fine, they are pretty well hidden but it has been raining like crazy here lately and I was wondering if there is any need for concern. I'm using a wal-mart soil mix 'perfet mix' or something my grand ma had left over from planting her flowers.Thanks in advance.
  2. forensic420

    forensic420 Germinated

    My bad, I meant to post this question in outdoor growing.
  3. Smokey Jay

    Smokey Jay Veggy Stage

    I wouldn't worry so much about the rain water, I'd worry more about the soil and size of cups there in. Try getting some soil with lots of peat, vermiculite, perlite, lime and compost. Promix Potting and Seeding is the **** I use. It goes about $12 canadian for an 80L bag at Canadian Tire.

    Rain water contains nitrogen and other nutrients, it will benefit your plants. However, too much rain could be a problem, thats why they should be in larger pots with better soil. You can safely grow 1 foot per gallon without getting rootbound, so its up to you how big you want them to be. I use anything over 4 gallons. Hope I was helpful, peace. Happy growing.
  4. drunken monkey

    drunken monkey Veggy Stage

    You might want to transplant them into something larger as soon as possible. Try some 5 gallon buckets, and get some dirt that has good drainage. If you want, you can get some spray paint and camoflouge the buckets to match their surroundings better. Just remember, the more you visit your plants, the more of a path you create..but it's so hard to stay away!
  5. Smokey Jay

    Smokey Jay Veggy Stage

    You can also put a couple inches of rocks at the bottom of your buckets for drainage.
  6. Jiggyjohn

    Jiggyjohn Germinated

    ya bro i agree but use lava rock the help to airate and with drainage plu the bring nutriants to the roots lava rock is a good choice about 3 or 4$

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