R.I.P my Grow

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Robry420, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. Robry420

    Robry420 New Sprout

    I had to let my grow go :( Good news is I'll be starting another one up soon in a diff location, I've learned alot since I started this grow so im expecting a finished grow with no interuptions. I'll be trying something different with the soil, probably wetting it first in a big container and mixing it up with perlite so the medium is lighter. I have my nutes now too so I can get a faster start and fatter stems. Still anticipating my own buds. Hope I can do it soon. I'll deff keep you guys posted
  2. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    That sucks! well hope you get a new one started up soon again, you know your gonna want to ASAP! Yea next time mix your soil 30/70 perlite to soil to improve your drainage and while your down for the time being go get ya some super thrive for the new babies. also you know not to fert till after the coytledons(round leaves) fall off right? also if you want fatter stems use the supercropping tech, i start doing it as soon as the sprout puts out its first set of 3 fingered leaves.
  3. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Don't feel bad Robry, everyone has to start somewhere. It is all part of the learning experience. Just keep on trying & you will do just fine. :D

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