rabbit dropping tea

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by 1st timer, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. 1st timer

    1st timer Germinated

    hey guys and gals read something somewhere about rabbit **** tea being the best to use. what do you all think?
  2. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    Rabbit is "Hot' so a little goes a long way.
  3. 1st timer

    1st timer Germinated

    hot? what ratio would you use when making this tea?
  4. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    The ratio I would use is the ratio of smell and color.

    Not too stinky and not too dark.

    I would mix a little , add liquid kelp, check and adjust ph.

    I also like adding B1.

    Water the plants after they have dried out and then pour the "tea' on the wet ground.

    I would advise against pouring the tea on the plant without watering first.

    You could add a fine layer of mulch before you water such as micronized compost. That would give the microbes a rich source of munchies to go with the nifty nitrogen fix you are adding.

    It's all my opinion naturally but is seems reasonable.
  5. 1st timer

    1st timer Germinated

    thanks joe i will try it it and let you know
  6. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering


    Best of luck. I look forward to reading about your experiences with it.
  7. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    godsodomme, my girlfriends girlfriend just bought a rabbitt, hmmmmmmmmmmm
  8. alz

    alz Developed Alternating Nodes

    i,ve just got a buck and a doe so there should be loads of it available then i,ll give it a go
  9. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    A buck and a Doe = more rabbits,

    Congrats Alz!!

    Don't forget the bedding gets soaked in urine too.

    That can be composted.

    I wish to point out people that rabbits are living creatures.  They require quality food and living conditions.

    Please don't take on a pet like a rabbit unless you can be sure you want to care for that pet every day for it's life.

    " target="_blank">http://www.houserabbit.co.uk/rwf/articles/feedinglft.htm

    Oh Alz...  I suggest a 5 gallon bucket with a lid to store the "product"

    (Edited by Joe Gardener at 3:15 pm on Oct. 17, 2005)
  10. alz

    alz Developed Alternating Nodes

    no worries about the care of the rabbits i have 4 children that love em
  11. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering


    They really eat straw!

    Do you feed yours straw?
  12. alz

    alz Developed Alternating Nodes

    they have straw bedding so i suppose if they eat it as part of there diet thats up to them i just want there poo

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