hey guys and gals read something somewhere about rabbit **** tea being the best to use. what do you all think?
The ratio I would use is the ratio of smell and color. Not too stinky and not too dark. I would mix a little , add liquid kelp, check and adjust ph. I also like adding B1. Water the plants after they have dried out and then pour the "tea' on the wet ground. I would advise against pouring the tea on the plant without watering first. You could add a fine layer of mulch before you water such as micronized compost. That would give the microbes a rich source of munchies to go with the nifty nitrogen fix you are adding. It's all my opinion naturally but is seems reasonable.
A buck and a Doe = more rabbits, Congrats Alz!! Don't forget the bedding gets soaked in urine too. That can be composted. I wish to point out people that rabbits are living creatures. They require quality food and living conditions. Please don't take on a pet like a rabbit unless you can be sure you want to care for that pet every day for it's life. " target="_blank">http://www.houserabbit.co.uk/rwf/articles/feedinglft.htm Oh Alz... I suggest a 5 gallon bucket with a lid to store the "product" (Edited by Joe Gardener at 3:15 pm on Oct. 17, 2005)
they have straw bedding so i suppose if they eat it as part of there diet thats up to them i just want there poo