rabbit fert.

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Outdoorchronic, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    im sitting on a big bag of rabbit poo and was wondering if any one had a npk cart or knew when it should be used and how i tried seacrhing google andd yahoo and couldent find anything any replies are apperieceted i know i posted this same thing in the begenner lougne and then after posting i relized it should be in here sorry~
  2. alz

    alz Developed Alternating Nodes

    i also need to know how to use rabbit ****, do i need to ferment it if so how and how much per ltr
  3. lamshi

    lamshi Germinated

  4. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    Nice link iamshi

    Lets see.. I have never used rabbit but I was around it.

    Like all manures composted is better.

    Pathogens are a concern yet since your sitting on a bag.


    I'd have to ask if you are prepairing a soil or feeding plants atm.

    Picking my brain and using the majic blue smoke I'll make a reply.

    A reply subject to clearer thought.

    If feeding I'd start with a tea. Things needed imo.

    small airpump with stone.

    An 1/8th mesh hardware cloth screen box. Say 12 inches by 12 inches and say 6 inches deep. 1x6 pine is nice for a box and gives room to staple on the hardware cloth using a staple gun.

    I'd dry the poo then grind on the screen.

    if you are sure the poo is pathogen free, using fresh add some to a 5 gal bucket of water and seep. Fresh poo and an air pump is a must. Dry "can" get by with out an air pump imo if a cold water and sack mythod is used in cool weather.

    If keeping the "brew" long enough to see if the mix is good to use again then the air is a must. If you mix and let stand it can get rounchy fast.

    Anyway.. my point is start with a weak tea for feeding. Light and enviroment are also as important as ferts so if you have all three then it's possible to measure the benefit of any fert reg. But I digress.

    What was the question?

    Oh I remember.. Rabbit is called "HOT" because it's fast nitrogen.

    Fast is not always better in an organic soil I was thinking.

    But then that takes us into soil prep. Another story.

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