is there a way to beat a random piss test there is a temp gauge on the container zero time to prepare THIS SUCKS help me please
When I was 15 I lived in a boys home. Every day I would run to school so I could get baked before class. Well one day I came home from school and found out that I had to take a piss test. Well I went into the laundry room and got a capful of bleach and mixed it in with a cup of water and drank that ****. I did that like 30 minutes before I took the test and I must have passed it because I didnt get in any trouble or anything. I was sick as a mutherfucker, like shitting out you insides sick, but It ended up being well worth it.
i'd advice not to drink bleach, some guy my dad worked with used to mix up his soup in a plastic bowl he had and his wife used to be a cleaner in the same place. he started shitting blood and thought he had cancer or something but it turned out she was mixing up a bleach solution in the bowl and he was getting sick from using the same bowl. bleach will kill you
I'd have to agree, bleach will harm you. 30 min is not enough time for anything you do to be effective, it takes time for anything you drink to work it's way through your kidneys. The bleach did absolutely nothing for him. But he touched on something that may be worth exploring. Urine drug tests only work under certain circumstances, and they have minimum detectibility amounts. If the pH is out of range in the urine, the test will not work. This is how many addditives / detox products work. Not all work on pH, but some do. The more water you drink, the less likely anything you give them will have enough THC / THC metabolites that the test will come back with a confirmable positive. These tests are not straight up yes / no tests. They measure if something is above a set concentration. For THC, if you drink enough water, there is a good chance you will fall under that level, depending on how much you smoke and when you smoke. If you have a chance stop smoking a few days before, and don't change your diet at all or eat a few more fatty foods. THC is fat soluble, if your body is losing fat for some reason, the THC in your fat stores can make its way into your urine. You don't want that, so no diets / not eating before a drug test from a few days to a week before.
I think I read something about saying you took Advil/Aspirine will mess with the test. I'm not sure, though...
ive been on probation for about 7 months and ive been blazin the whole time, i know what day my po comes so its a lil easier but if you know around what time its gonna be but i drink about a gallon of water an hour and a half b4 my urine and i try to piss at least 10 times, but make sure that youre piss is clear when you give it to em...this works for sure for weed but not for coke or jib or anything, so when i do **** like that, i take a small bottle with someones clean piss, and strap it to my cock with rubber bands (not to tight, that **** hurts) and then just pull off the cap and squeeze it into the cup, you have to be slick for that one, my po watches me piss, you have to hold it just right so they dont know, ive done this like 10 times and ive done the water thing everytime, and i blaze like a quarter a week so i know it works.
I've heard that Certo works. You drink a packet of that with about a liter or two of water. Then you take a piss, go to your piss test, and give them your second piss. This stuff is for canning, and you can get it at any grocery store(by the mason/canning jars). You have about 4 hours of clean piss, then it wears off.
I just buy the **** they have at GNC. I just got a new job and had top take a piss test and it worked great! I bought a spare bottle to keep in my trunk just in case of a random test.
the **** at gnc is basically sugar and vitamins. If you dont want to drop 40 bucks on one of those drinks, but want the same effects, drink a can of coke and a multi-vitamin about 2 hours before the test. Chase it with about a gallon of water and make sure after you drink the water and before the test you piss a couple times. Dont give them the first part of the stream or the end, try to catch the middle. best way to do to the UA's is to stay physically fit, eat right, and drink water everyday. THC doesnt stick around much longer than a week in me when i am doing cardio-workouts 4 days a week. I am 6'4" and weigh in at 185. the less fat on your body the less time it takes to clean the system out