Im at the end of floweing. Will probably harvest in a week or 2. Last night I got ancy and pulled a little nug off the bottom of the plant. My buddy just got a vaporizer so I had to test it out. After we vaped like 3 bowls I ended up with the strangest high Ive ever had. It was like a head high but I wasnt all that ripped. So will my buds be more potent after the dring and curing process?
I'm assuming that the nug you burned last night was either flash-dried or put into the vape still undried. That accounts for your "strange" high. Slow-dried and cured, it will be "normal".
fresh cut is definitely a different high. Smoke the same stuff dried and it will prolly be a lot better
QUOTE Quote: from herbalicetea on 8:18 pm on Jan. 28, 2005 yea I vaped it un-dried. So is bud less potent that way? Yeah I think that's fair.. I just tried a fresh bit of pop corn in a mix of dried trim... I know these genetics so the results of this strange test was "like" what it's smokes like but lacking in potential effect. Meaning It sure will be better dried and cured so that flame can convert THC beter. Heat is the thing that activates the THC, If I understand correct. Fresh is too wet to convert fast imo. Interesting experience... Randy
When you smoke fresh, undried weed, a lot of what you inhale is water vapor, not known for it's psycho-active effects. And chlorophyll, both of which are present in dried cured weed in much smaller amt.'s Also, when you dry and cure weed you change the ratio of componets that compose a marijuana high. It has to do with sugars breaking down and stuff.
I remember one night a few years back ..i was about 17 and was hanging out with some mates in my house. We were going to a party later that night at some girls house ..and wanted some budd. We couldn't get anything. We all went right thru the names-list on our phones. No weed in sight. Me and one other guy said '**** this party then, we'll stay here and wait for a phone-call.' The rest of our mates got in a 12 seater and away they went, faces longer than south-end pier. Well, in the end me and the guy that stayed got some shitty weed, but we were happy, got some beers, food, video's and a couple girls we knewe around ..and smoked away the night in 'pleasant' company. ANYWAY ..back to the story. Next day turns out our friends got weed in the end. In the taxi, one of them whispered to the other 'i can;t go this whole fucking night without budd' drivers heard it ..said he can hook them up. Drove them to the taxi rank ..ran inside and came out with a plant ...apparantly flourishing with budds. Ok, my friends didn't know **** about growing. He's said 'pick off how much you want' ..they picked off a big budd, he weighed it ..charged them 65 pounds. All was safe. When they told me, i couldn't belive this ****. They were like 'man it's the best weed i've ever smoked we were all off our heads!! You missed out smokey, you missed out big-time man!' ...... I'd just joined growkind at the time i knewe my ****! :LOL: ...but theywouldn't have none of it when i was telling them wet weed isn't a good thing. They tried telling me the budd was pretty dry. Fucking bull-shitters!! Anyway ..moral of the story ... ....don't smoke ..crack? **** it ...don't waste any more of your weed doing that matey, just be patient and let them reach their fullest potential. Well worthit.
I've read that smoking from a vaporizer<yes, even when it's dry> isn't the same as smoking regularily. I've heard it is different.
It's different in a vaporizer because the herb isn't burning. It gets heated just enough to realease the THC vapors without the carbon and other nasty things that are created by burning. It is smoother and less irritating. I don't know how much chlorophyll from green weed makes it into the vapors, but, as ranger said, there would be a lot of water vapor-- steam. And the more steam, the less THC is in the vapor, because the heat energy is being used to evaporate the water instead of vaporing the THC.
Good post on the vapor Mrs.B!.....I truly think vap is the way to ole man the taste and high are as good as smoking hash..imo