I live near the ocean where I can collect plenty of seabird guano in its natural state. Can you use it directly in this form, or does it need to dry out or be treated somehow to be used as fert? And does it matter what the birds have been eating? There are some tourist restaurants on the waterfront where people eat outside and feed the gulls things like fried clams, which are obviously not in a gull's natural diet. Clams, yes. Fried, no.
well yes of course! you need to dilute it down tho- only a few table spoons per gallon for a fert high in npand k....mix up a little then feed with it- less is more....you can always add more, but be careful that you dont overdo it and burn them. a little goes a long way! as long as there not fed medicine or steriods etc...they should be fine to fert with.
hope it works well for ya dude- just be easy on the first dose! do less than two tblspoons if this is yer first fert since planting...see how potent it is the trial run.