Slow release N

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Angry Iraqi, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    I just used the last half cup of dried blood I have. I am about to go pick up more nutes. Does anyone have any good ideas for things I should try for slow release N? I like to make a wickid batch of nutrient rich soil, and not have to keep fertilizing down the road. Whatever N I put in has to last at least 30-50 days before it begins tapering off. Has anyone used seabird guano for long term N?
    :mad: Iraqi
  2. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    ok, whats up mad man?? ive got a tid bit of info- not sure if its exact to your use.... i use cow compost for my first boost of N in my soil mix because i use alot of perlite for my mix witch displaces ALOT of my micro and sub nutes.... the fish fert is good to water with MOST of the time for veg and flower cycle until about a week or two until you harvest then you feed plain ph distilled water.... Ihave used this fert along with seabird and guano (use starting flowering 1-2 weeks after the switch feeding half strength- until 1 months then giving near full strength : depending on strain and vigor...watering 25 percent to 50 percent strength with added andements compared to bottle instructions starting off...more WILL result in overfert...stronger as time goes by!!!...
  3. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    its hard to understand the last regime but after a week or two into flower you feed say 50 percent seabird or guano along with your ST or other bloom addative, adding a half teaspoon per feeding...until edges yellow and curl. then a flush buy 4 weeks feed and then a full feeding of all bloom nutes if in decent sized containers.... i use a GOOD amount of peat moss in my mix because it acts as a buffer for overferting and it sucks up its own amount of N during watering so if you overfeed the N part of the fert will get broken down quicker depending on your soil mix... ;) Perlite is a good thing!!!!
  4. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    Hell ya, I use alot of perlite too-

    No" target="_blank">

    No one answered this for 2 days, so I had already gone out and picked up some seabird guano. Good to hear it should work with my setup!
  5. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    damn you paying for that ****
  6. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    No, I steal it. Even If I did pay for it, the dirt and perlite in that pic add up to $50 US. The nutes that go into it will add up to roughly another $20. Thats $70 in medium that will grow roughly $3500 worth of skunk bud. How much do you shell out for nutes?

    (Edited by Angry Iraqi at 4:20 pm on Nov. 27, 2005)
  7. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    well i get a deal on bio power, its normally like 35 euros for 20 litres, and thats all products other then special nutes.

    a/b on veg a/b on flower, thats 80 litres right there at 35 euros each.

    Then you always have your suppliments, but it all boils down to your schedule, and that 3500 dollars worth of weed going for 400 us dollar for 128 grams?[​IMG]

    whats the question again?

    now you know,

    (Edited by geheim at 8:11 am on Nov. 27, 2005)
  8. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering

    Guano update* The new soil I mixed with seabird and bat guano is the smelliest **** I have ever smelled. Luckly the clones that get transplanted into it are turning dark green the day they go in ;) . Would post pic, camera is STILL in shop.
  9. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Slow release nutrients (even the organic kind) take getting used to. Give yourself a few harvests with one type of fertilizer and learn from your success/failures. It also sometimes depends on the strain you are growing. The Afghain strain I cultivate demands higher amounts of Nitrogen during flower than most others I've grown.
  10. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    One can use Alfalfa meal.. In an living soil a mix of alfalfa meal and ground coffee will decay slowly.. Not too slow but slower than a liquid or blood meal.
  11. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    AI, the peat uses alot of N yet creates N, along with other useful micronutes... ,while consuming nutes slowimg growth. Ferting hard with fish emoulsion- Along with Using blood meal, compatable to bone meal and compareable with bat guano... Cuttings respond well. Female Clones require small amounts of nutes compared to the moms in which the cuttings were made ...

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