So I'm getting ready for my next grow...

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by HappyHappyHighGuy, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I am going to try two methods I've never done - soil and hempy bucket.

    When I started my first grow I wanted a fancy hydroponic garden, but after 3 harvests I'm ready to try something simpler.

    I like the simplicity of Hempy, and I also want to grow in what Mother Nature intended - organic soil.

    The soil is a mix of organic bag soil (not MirGro). I add bat guana, dolomite lime, worm casings and alfalfa meal. I will be feeding with a tea of fish emulsions, liquid sea kelp, bat guano and blackstrap molasses. The molasses is used in the last few weeks of flowering.

    For the hempy plants I'm using organic Pure Blend Pro nutes...Grow, Bloom, Cal-Mag Plus.

    Any advice is appreciated
  2. Aiptasia

    Aiptasia New Sprout

    It's going to be somewhat messy if it's an indoor grow. I'd suggest using a good plastic tarp or something like it on the floor for the eventual spills you'll have.

    My only real advice is be careful if your going to be transplanting your plants from outdoors to indoors. It's easy to introduce bugs like spider mites that way.

    It sounds like you have all the tools you need. Good luck!
  3. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I'm putting plastic on the floor. It is a 100% indoor grow so bugs won't be a problem.
  4. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    One more thing...

    I forgot to mention that all my plants will be trained using c-scrog. I will probably use that method on all my future grows, or for as long as I have limited space to grow in.
  5. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Sounds good...

    I used Azomite this last season and blackstrap for the first time.

    I often brew some fresh coffee to add to the fish and kelp I use.

    Then again I'm out of the box on organics.
  6. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I'm growing Hempy and strongly recomend it. My advice is in the beginning , slowly add the water maybe a quater gallon every 5 minutes becuase it takes a minute for the nutes to work their way down. I've had a couple of big messes thinking that a gallon would fit, but the plants only needed half gallon. I LST them and diffently liked the results. Still I have over a mth to go, but strongly recomend.
  7. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Thanks for the watering advice.

    This is my first time to try soil & hempy. I have a feeling I will end up scrapping soil after this grow because of the simplicity.
  8. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    Does this method require daily watering? I regularly go out of town for a couple days at a time, and would not be able to water everyday. That's one aspect that I like about DWC. Just make sure the water level is good and it can essentially run unmonitored for several days if needed.
  9. Gratitude

    Gratitude Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds


    Sorry if this is stoned moment...

    Did you mean that you don't think you will do soil again because Hempy is so simple?

    I am also planning to try Hempy in the near future but I really want to do a side by side like you are. Ideally with clones. I really want to see if the additional yield is worth the extra $$$, and the REAL question, flavor. Does Organically grown Soil really deliver superior flavor and aroma? I'm really looking forward to the pics (hoping you'll do a grow thread:wink:)!

    Good Growing!
  10. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Aver Joe, that should help you out. Watering I do every other day. Nutes every other watering. The only thing is that that site claims you should use full strength nutes from the beginning on and every watering. I found that nutes every other worked better, imo, not trying to tell anyone how to grow specially the guy who came up with the idea. Definatley simple to make and keep up.

    the only down side that I found was when doing the watering, having some leakage to I got the hang of it. Once established, 1 gal a watering seems to do the trick. Definately have something under your bucket becuz once water starts flowing from the weep holes it takes a (long) minute for it to stop. I had a mess to clean up, trust me on this one.

    I have two plants growing side by side in ?18? gallon tote under floros and love the results.
  11. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Correct, but I won't know for sure until I compare the two.
  12. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    From what I've read, most people water hempy buckets every other day.

    I've left DWC alone for a week at a time with no problem. I don't plan on taking any vacations during this grow so I'll be able to keep the plants watered.
  13. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    Well I read through 18 frickin pages of that link and came out of it with a couple unanswered questions. Maybe you Hempy growers can answer them for me.

    Can the bucket run off be reused, or is it just discarded? If it's discarded...why?

    It would seem that you would go through a crazy amount of nutes using this method. Do you find this to be the case?

    This method is interesting me more and more the more I read about it. One problem that I currently have with my DWC is sound. I have the closet in my office (3rd bedroom) converted to my growspace. When you walk into my office, you can definitely hear the slight hum of the air pump and the bubbling buckets. It's not overwhelmingly loud, but it's enough that if someone were to come into my office, they would say "what's that noise?" and start following their ears to the closet door. This would completely eliminate that as well as the added electric bill of the pump running 24/7.
  14. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I don't know the answer to your runoff question, but I have heard that Hempy doesn't use anymore nutes than a hydro system.
  15. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit


    I will be growing these from seed...

    WW (Dutch Passion feminized)

    Tex-Mex (bagseed)

    And these from clones...

    Bubblicious (Nirvana)

    Blueberry (Dutch Passion)

    So I only have to deal with 1 strain of unknown sex. Knowing how many plants I will have helps to plan the grow. I'll probably germinate about 10 of the Tex-Mex and keep the 2 most healthy females.

    The goal is to have 8 total plants/pots. (4) will be hempy and (4) will be soil. Each strain will be in both soil and hempy pots, so I'll be able to compare the two methods.

    If I end up with more than 8 healthy plants I might put the extra ones in a DWC or aero bucket. I hate to throw away good plants.
  16. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I have saucers under the pots to catch overflow.
  17. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Why would it use more nutes?

    I make up a gal of nutes two to three times a week. It's not like changing a resev every time. You just add nutes until that seep out the weep hole uaually a gal.

    HHG, just take you time adding the water, it's not rocket science, but there is a small learning curve becuz you cant see the water levels. I usually go by how heavy the pot feels. Definately keep us posted, I'd love to see the results of soil vs hempy.
  18. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Thanks Nippie.

    I'm optimistic about the Hempy method. Every thread I've read on it has great results. If you Google 'hempy bucket' you will find grow threads on other sites besides Growkind.

    The only problem I've run into so far is finding perlite and vermiculite in large bags. Most nurseries only carry the small 1cu ft. bags, and H.Depot/W-Mart don't carry it at all. I can order it online, but the shipping is high.
  19. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I bought from but they have a store within a reasonable driving distance. It was like $16 for each per 4 cubic foot bag. Personally I've tried to burn the shit up in my gardern and every where I planted this year, still have a shitload. $32 and your set for life, you'll spend that easily with a DWC I'm sure.

    I originally read about saxby's grow the day I was going to buy a pump for DWC, did a little research and thought this was a better option. Talked to one of the guys a worms and he said it wouldn't work becuase of nute burn to the roots. I had the priveledge to inform him that he was wrong:) . I pulled 4 males out of 6 plants and the all had big root systems. They actually made a bigger mess than I thought they would with all the verm and perl they had in their balls.

    Hell, if you have the left over room, try DWC and put the debate to an end to which is the better option. I honestly think Hempy would hold it's own vs. DWC, with the edge of overall yeild going to DWC.
  20. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    c-scrog top for Hempy buckets

    I trimmed off the bottom net part of my net pots which left just a rim that the c-scrog mounts into and sits on top of the Hempy buckets. That notch was for the airline in my last dwc grow.


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