Soiless.  A Need to Flush?

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by roggae, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. roggae

    roggae Developed Alternating Nodes

    is it necessary to flush soiless mixes? if so why and how often.
  2. alz

    alz Developed Alternating Nodes

    yes you do have to flush and the reason is to keep the roots nice and clean,how often is up to you i,d say every 2-3 weeks, keep it clean bro
  3. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I dunno'. I've never seen so many folks ready to flush so often. "IMO", it only serves to deprive the plants of a steady supply of nutrients. Not to say that cleaning of any build-up of saltz isn't good, but I fail to see an advantage to "flushing" the medium of all nutrients so often.

    In "my" environment, a good flushing will take 7-8 days to dryout enough to feed again. A week without a food source just doesn't sound healthy to me. Sorta' like "binge" eating, or anorexia, or bulimia.. ;)

    I'll use flushing, "if" I find a problem that I think warrents it. Over fert, PH inbalance, ect. I've not had saltz buildup problems since switching from "lowend" ferts.

    Just my opinion.
  4. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ^^Yup^^ what hicountry said! once you get you fert schedule right the only time to flush is the last 2 weeks and then thats not a real flush its just watering with plain water no ferts the last couple of weeks. listen to the man HE KNOWS IT!
  5. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I agree...good ferts make all the difference. Buy shitty products...expect shitty results. :smoke2:
  6. roggae

    roggae Developed Alternating Nodes

    to be honest guys. thats what i thought. i never understood what the fert. deprivation did? i guess the idea is that it washes the salts away, but do you get that build up with fox farms and earth juice?
  7. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    i don't get any salt build-up from using Fox Farms in my hydro grows.  

    and i agree with nob and hiC ... i use water only in my buckets the last 2 weeks or so.  

    i change the water in my buckets every 2 weeks, which some may interpret as 'flushing'. i just call it good growing hygiene.  :smokin:
  8. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    my metas smell pretty shitty :erm: but the results were anything but! :LOL:

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