St. John\'s Wort

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by ZitRemedy, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    Anyone here have experience with St. John's Wort? I have had depression on and off for well over 10 years now and when it gets bad it gets BAD. Especially since my mother passed away last December. Every little thing remind me of it and I cant stand it. Sometimes cannabis even makes it worse, not usually but sometimes. A few people have said a combination of St. John's Wort and cannabis is their daily anti-depressant. That would be great to enjoy cannabis again without worrying that it might trigger en episode. I have even considered stopping smoking pot and just grow it, cuz i love the plants so much, and giving the buds to people like my friend's dad who has cancer, or selling them to very close friends at good prices. I dunno...

    I have been taking St. John's Wort for a few days now, I have read that it takes a few days for your system to recognize it? I receieved "the most concentrated and complete St. John's product in the world" today, I hope to God this stuff helps me. It is called Serofin. I must mention though that I am in the last throes of overcoming a painkiller addiction, I did get into Oxycontin for a while (PLEASE PEOPLE DONT EVER GET INTO THAT ****) and i got off that, but I still take 2-4 vicodins a day, I know it sounds lame but it is still in my system and I am weening off of it. I know it was stupid to get into them in the first place, but i began using them 1.)because my mind was weird after my mom died, and 2) to beat the alcoholism I had. Which I NEVER drink anymore, but the plan backfired and I got into the damn pills. Anyway, has St.John's Wort helped any of you here? I hope coming off the pills wont affect it too much. My growing hobby has helped with it a lot, gets my mind off it. I love sweet sweet cannabis plants. [​IMG]
  2. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    I would make it a goal to grow the most brilliant plants on the face of this earth, and its all about you. If you want them bad enough you will make your own strains, then you will always have some kind of serious activity that will keep you focused on your most outstanding plants. Then it will change from thinking so much on terrible and tradgic things in your life to those girls you brought on from seed. That will give you so much more pleasure, almost as much as smoking them.

    good luck dude, I really do not talk much about what I have done,good,and bad things, but as you get older, you will find, and I take it im older then you now, thats why Im saying this. You will find that life becomes easier as you get older, from the things you learn and experience.

    So no need to worry about those past things. Plus awesome tunes will always be the best type of mental stimulation, while smoking. I hope that I didnt piss you off, nor did I agner anyone else, Im not even smoking today, so most of the time, I just do as I feel, some good things, about being single, and having your **** togther.
  3. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    That was brilliant the guru... ;)

    blendin' baby doll...:baked:DC
  4. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    is that a question?
  5. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    I would love to do some breeding projects, I just need to get some males around here, I had some but I wasnt ready to begin breeding yet, and then I got a couple seeds when I was going for all sinsemella, so I dont have them now. One idea I have is to use one of my masterkush females and breed it with a male blueberry, when I get it that is. My idea is to breed it and select for taste, potency, all that of course, but also to find one that has a reddish hue, so I can call it BLUSH. [​IMG] If I find a selection I like better that doesnt have those characteristics, i will have something else I guess, but that is an idea I have. Back to my question, has anyone here takin st. johns wort and if so, did it help you in any way? I think it is starting in on me!
  6. CanadianConnection

    CanadianConnection Developed Alternating Nodes

    Dude,,, you need to go to the doctor man... get some drugs to get that chemical imbalance fixed up.. I've done the St. Johns wort thing and it did not work for me.. but for sure everyone is different so give it a try...I've heard it does work for some people.. anyway... if the st J thing does not work out go see your doctor. TAke care...
  7. CanadianConnection

    CanadianConnection Developed Alternating Nodes

    Sorry... try effexor... it is not a narcotic nor is it addictive....
  8. Patz0852

    Patz0852 Developed Alternating Nodes

    Good to hear you're getting off your addictions man...Mind over matter, just think about that. I hope you figure this out and gl on ur lil breeding project if you choose to start one!
  9. mintz

    mintz Guest

    I have been on Oxy for a year did you get off od them..I need to and want to but just a abit
  10. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    Well, I wasnt on Oxy for too long, i cant remember, maybe a little over a month or something, not even every single day, but the last time, i went on a benge, cuz i had never got hooked on anything before (well beside alcohol) so silly me thought i wouldnt get too affected by it. Well I did it 3 days straight one time (snorting it), like 40 mg one day then 80s the next 2 days, and the 4th day I was in such terrible shape that I didnt ever want to do it again, I sold off my last pill and laid on the couch all day and SWEATED like holy hell, probably lost 30 pounds from all that sweat! I finally popped a couple 750 Vics and a pill (i cant remember what it was called) thats settles the nerves and helped me sleep. It sucked and I kept craving it but I just said no to oxy. I am down to anywhere from 2-4 vics or lortabs a day now i am starting to imagine being able to get out of bed again, without having to have those pills! I dont really know what its like to be on Oxy for a year, I have a friend that is in the same situation as yourself mintz. Instead of going cold turkey I would suggest begin by taking less (and then go down to the less potent opiates like vicodin, or get some valiums if u can, and stick it out, while the body wont be getting its fill of what it is used to, it will be getting something and will eventually lower the tolerance that I am sure you have after doing it a year (my friend does 120-160 mg a day of oxy). Just lower the doses and take less potent painkillers and, basically, just ween yourself off of them, that is the only advice I can really give. my month is a lot different fromo your year. I forced myself to stop taking oxy because I couldnt imagine being on that stuff for a year, no offense, but damn, it will be rough, but it can be done. Oh yeah stop snorting them if you are (all the oxy addict I know snort it) and take them orally. That is a very start.

    One guy around here, a prominent business owner, was waking up in the morning and snorting a straight 160 (2 80s) mg's. By the end of the day it was nearing 400 mg!! He had to go to the methadone clinic and everything and is still going. His morning dose would kill someone who hadnt done that drug, hell, probably kill someone who was used to 20's! Luck to him, he will need it but I KNOW it can be done! [​IMG]

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