I am looking to begin investing in some seeds soon, with the intention of creating my own strains over future years. Looking around, I have seen pics of beautiful buds with blues, reds/golds, purples, white, and variations in the greens. I would really like to incorporate those aesthetics into my eventual breeding. Can anyone recommend some breeds by colors, offer pics of particularly vibrant strains, etc.? Anybody know how cross-breeding affects the colors? I would appreciate any assistance.
breeding takes time and room,i've bred lots of plants and its hit or miss. i know how you fill grow your own strain is cool but,dont be fooled i got good stuff and i've spent time and got no stuff.(seeds never germinated)google marijuana seed banks and find the one for you(make sure they mail to the us, if in the us)good luck
Thanks. I in no way expect to become a full-scale breeder, but I would like to play around with a percentage of my crop. Train up my own creature, like Smokemon...
somewhere in the advanced cult forum we had a thread going about making seeds with only one bud being affected but it still takes a lot of room and equip as hawaii stated. But we all have dreams i want a steelcity strain but don't have the space to house males and fems. My current grow is of an unknown/unnamed strain it was bagseed out of "50" which is just how much a quarter costs and can be anything in the range of mids. So i guess i get to name it but it's not the same. If only I had a 10x12 room to spare! DSP
I've done plenty of small scale breeding experiments back in the day with decent results but to really get something you are going to be proud of you are going to have to sift through a bunch of seeds and see just how much variation there is and figure out which are the cream of the crop and start doing some back crossing to bring out certain things more and to stabilize your new coming creation. Takes lots of time dedication and more important good note taking and keeping track of everything. As far as different coloration and such most of the crazy looking strains are pretty pricey. Like the Blue family strains like blueberry by DJ shorts is over a $100 for a 10 pack but IMHO worth it. there are plenty of plants that will turn purple and such just got to do some searching and some require certain conditions to induce the coloration. What you are probably going to want to do if you are serious about attempting this is to find what you are looking for by doing a lot of research looking at all kinds of strains on the seedbank sites and looking at grow reports on the forums. Don't forget that most breeders websites have their own forums aswell, always a good place to post up questions when you really want some specifics on the strain of interest,