Switching from Metas to Fox Farms ferts

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by jerseydude, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

    Well, I've had enough of the PH issues with the Metanaturals. Even the added pulverized dolomite lime dosen't work. PH is about 5.5. I bought some Earth Juise PH UP. Once I get the PH stabilized, I'll start with the Fox farms and see what happnes.
  2. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    I gotta say Fox Farms did it for me. When I first started growing indoors I had problems with PH form the soil I was using along with the ferts. The soil was Miracle grow and the ferts were Jobes. They damaged all my plants and one ended up a runt. I went out and bought a big bag of FoxFarms ocean forest and one bottle of FoxFarms tiger bloom. Also dont forget a little perlite works well with ocean forest for better moisture control. Since the Foxfarms entered the grow I have had steady 6.5-6.7 PH. I'm in flowering now with one plant and it has never changed its soil PH in the last 9-10 weeks.:punk:
  3. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Hmm.. the meta's are fine for me but I bubble my nutrients.... are you bubbling???Are you checking your nutrient solution pH before you add it to the plants?

    The pH problems that can arise from them can be aggravating too though.. After my meta's run out I may switch to FF for a grow to see if there is any difference.
  4. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

    Hey Mr. W

    First, let me say thanks for all of your advice about bubbling.

    Second. let me say that I don't have to want ot haveb to work that hard when fertilizing my plants. So, I'm going to give the FF ferts a try.
  5. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Bubbling is something that doesn't take long and will greatly help your plants man. IF the FF happens to throw your pH off too then try to bubble em...anyways tell me how you like the FF compared. I want to try them next
  6. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

    Okie Dokie. Will do.
  7. CaptKush

    CaptKush Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    whats bubbling?
  8. Wicher

    Wicher Germinated

    Ya I wanna hear how to do so. And what exactly does it do?
  9. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    hey, JD! good luck with the FF nutes! :D

    i've been using them since my first grow 4 years ago, and i love them.

    the first couple of years, i didn't use the correct amounts and combinations but still produced some dang fine smoke. now that i use the FF chart, my grows are even better!

    i suggest you follow their nute chart for best results. :punk:

    bubbling is using an airline from an air pump which introduces air into your water/nute mix. it's the same "bubbling" that occurs with a DWC bucket. :)
  10. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    I'm kind of confused here.. :ponder: ... this is done with a soil grow too?
  11. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Yes MR.D.. it's used to bring up the pH naturally in a organic nutrient soltuion.

    The more you bubble the higher the pH will go..
  12. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    thanks for the info!! :punk:
  13. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Sorry the Metas didn't work for ya JD. You're the only one so far that's had problems with it. In my experience the source water plays the biggest factor in PH swings. Being in Jersey I'd say the problem is more your water than anything else. As for the MEtas...they do drop the PH when first mixed but they even out if given time. The bubble idea is great, but I just mixed mine the day before and let it sit open to the air. By the next day PH had stablized. Personally I've used the FF and the metas blow it away, but to each their own. Whatever works in the end is what matters. :ebert:
  14. 420

    420 KING

    Fox farm does me well, the plants should be happy too
  15. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

    I hear ya Herb.

    From what I've been reading, there are a few others that have been having the same problems with the Metas. I thought about the water, too, but I use a Doulton ceramic filter and my water is clean and the PH is 7. I also leave the water out and covered for a couple of days. Besides, I never had these problems using chem ferts and Canna ferts using the same water.

    I haven't tried mixing the solution and leaving it out overnight, though. Perhaps, I'll try that with a plant or two and see how that goes. I must say that initial growth is good with the Metas. It's just that within a few days growth slows & gets stunted, with PH in the 5 to 5.5 range.

    Live & learn. As you say, it's all about growing good weed, isn't it? :)

    I would NEVER gotten as far as I have without GK and guys like you giving out GREAT advice. :bigok:

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