Thanksgiving feeding.

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Randy High, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    We all may have had a good meal and some fine times but what did you give your plants my Organic friends.

    Here is what I did:

    Alright straight up front I have an instant powder I made from a kind of compost Tea dried in the Sun to a powder. ( The details of this are secret. )

    So I took a Coffee Can and slow brewed ( low heat over time ) a coffee cup and a half of grounds: Cowboy style.
    I also did a second brew brought to a boil half a can.

    Started out with three or four gallons of cold tap water I added 2 TBS of my powder high in K and the best of Nature and her creatures.

    But a source of K is the thing plus any growth boosters Organic yes.

    I added liquid kelp. A nice green goo.. I have no problem using a lot.

    Then the Fish emulsion.

    Now I pour the hot, the slow brewed coffee with Honey added;. Straining the grinds with a wire mesh strainer one would buy at the supermarket.

    I added some B1 ( I know it's not the hype it was but it doesn't hurt and I own it. )
    Add two heaping TBS high N sea Bird and 2 TBS high in P sea bird.
    Having some Age Old on hand I added two jiggers of that as well.

    I add baking soda and let it foam.
    If you add too much then adding more fish will foam the solution and bring the PH to wards the acid side.. I suggest being on the acid side if you have a balanced soil but not far on the acid side.

    Here is the thing I added too much baking soda so, I added fish till it wasn't bubbling as much. Fish is acidic.

    Remember that patience is a good thing here: Wait to see reactions.
    Mixing in a hurry negates the chemical reactions IMO.

    After this I added the quick second boil coffee water to the mix.

    Stirring all the time.

    I let it sit till nice and cool.

    Watered in as I went using a large pump sprayer with the spray end cut off..

    That's Thanksgiving feed here..

    How About you?
  2. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    I like mine simple,add the following to one gallon of water:1 Tbs Chicken Poop(3-5-3) ,1 Tbs Bat guano(0-13-0),1 Tbs Earthworm Castings(1-1-1),Soluble Seaweed(1-1-16),1 Tbs Blackstrap Molasses and 2 tsp of Liquid Karma.Bubble for 24 hrs and mix throughly,I add this mix to my plants at the begining of flowering.:punk:
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Sounds good...

    You know LK is a thing best used all the time yes?
  4. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    Not really,I use Liquid Karma every other feeding,not every watering.

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