Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by ZitRemedy, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    Anyone here seen this film? It is awesome! I am watching it now, and I am blazed for the first time in days, oh man its awesome! And the version they show on Comedy Central is waaaay too butchered, I mean, instead of John Goodman saying "This is what happens when you **** a stranger in the ass!", he says, on Comedy Central, "This is what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps!" HUH?[​IMG] anyway, yeah, see this is you havent, and if you have, watch it again!
  2. weedhed420smoke

    weedhed420smoke Veggy Stage

    OMFG! in my opinion that is the BEST movie ever, keep tokin man and keep watchin that movie theres alot more to it when your high lol, my favorite part is the one you quoted the part wheres he screaming ontop of his lungs and beating the **** out of the fat koreans car, lololol,peace.
  3. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    I fucking love that movie bro!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOT ANd im half drunk too!!

    I love when the third guy, DONNY tryies to get in on a conversation that has been going on for too long, and John Goodman says "you're out of your element donny!@ Shut the **** up!"

    Me and my friends use that line when anyone cuts into uor conversations, we call em donny.

    That movie is ridiculously funny, if anyone hasnt seen it, i recommend checking it out!! awsome stoner movie!!




    (Edited" target="_blank">

    (Edited by CanadianDAN at 2:33 am on Aug. 21, 2005)

    (Edited by CanadianDAN at 2:34 am on Aug. 21, 2005)
  4. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

  5. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    You guys are out of your element. My buddies didn't die face down in a rice patty for this ****. Unchecked agression that is what I'm talking about.

    I have seen this movie way to many times. Get the DVD, I cannot bare to watch it on regular TV.
  6. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    did anyone ever see the date on that check that dude writes for the milk in the begining of the film. go on tell me the date, fast forward if you have too. Im waiting!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    hmmm..I havent noticed before, i thought i noticed about eveything! well i am looking at it, does it really say sept. 11, 1951? I know the movie takes place during desert storm... i could be wrong, but that is what my eyes are seeing...yeah, this movie is fuckin awesome, and is best appreciated under some form of intoxicant!
  8. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    oh, and by the way, i find john turtorro, the guy who plays jesus, to be a great and under-rated actor! what about the scene where the dude is trying to keep those germans from getting in his place, and his concoction is done totally wrong and the chair just falls toward the germans when they open it? HAHAHAHA LOL. this is great stuff.
  9. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    oh yeah, it aint the germans, its jackie treehorns people..well u know what i mean!
  10. weedhed420smoke

    weedhed420smoke Veggy Stage

    yeah that movie is great theres alot of little things that you notice, i literally watched that movie way over 100 times and theres still stuff i find when im high, peace.
  11. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    not sept 11 1951 but sept 11 1991
  12. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    ahhha....thank you! i couldnt see the actual year too well, but i knew it said sept. 11! hmmm...10 years before black tuesday. and this movie came out in like 98 (thats right?). interesting! yet something else about this movie i never noticed! thank you..someone on here with web experience should make a big lebowski page, with all those little things noted. But then again, if someone who never saw that movie saw that page, it may take some of the fun out of it...oh what the **** am i saying, nothing can make this movie boring! i watched it TWO times yesterday! haha theres a portrait of my life LOL. I think i am gonna get my 400 watt light back soon and my masterkush plant, one of the clones which hasnt flowered yet is gonna become my new mother plant. my buddy will keep my 250 watt for now, he needs to learn some things so i can get a little grow group in these parts! well there i go blabbering again! later on.

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