the celestine prophecy

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by ZitRemedy, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    With this karmic and spiritual sort of talk going on, has anyone here read The Celestine Prophecy or the accompanying book TCP: An Experiental Guide? I find them to be quite intersting as well as trippy as hell. Thought provoking indeed. Nothing like smokin' one and reading some of that stuff. I like the companion book even more, just because of the explanations and stories. It has chapters on things like the coincidences that shape us, power/energy stuggles between people, and the like. It is quite interesting. The author is James Redfield. Check it out, you may start thinking a bit differently. It sure was a nice place for me to go after my mind-opening during a great mushroom trip.
  2. weedhed420smoke

    weedhed420smoke Veggy Stage

    that sounds cool (downloading pdf off limewire) 2 minutes 2 go, peace.
  3. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    I've read this book, and for me it has changed my whole outlook on life. I'd have to say this is the best book that I've had the pleasure to read. For me I felt that I have become more attuned with all my surroundings and especially my beautiful ladies. Other good reads are "The Tenth insight" and "The call of Shambhala" these are the books that follow the Celistine Prophacy.
  4. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    try reading playboy changed my life
  5. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    oh, i forgot about the tenth insight! I have not read it, I was going to get it a while ago and done forgot about it. I havent even heard of "The Call of Shambhala", what is it like? Same spiritual kind of writing? The Celestine Prophecy is awesome, and I can say it changed my outlook as well, though, as the book suggests, I do feel like i lose my energy at times, especially as of late. One part that is great in the Experiental Guide is when they quote research chemist Marcel Vogel; he basically states that "man can and does communicate with plant life....they radiate energy forces beneficial to man...."etc..that is only one great part. Has anyone read the book from 1973 titled "The Secret Life Of Plants"? I havent, it sounds interesting! But yeah, if anyone hasnt read these books, I (and I am sure Dew Drop as well) recommend you do so! I just wish I could get some energy back, it has been lacking a bit lately.
  6. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    its a good book. it had me thinking about stuff in new ways
  7. Stoned Sorcerer

    Stoned Sorcerer Veggy Stage

    oh **** thats the name of it someone was telling me about that book and it sounded really good but I didn't know the name of it well I ordered it..
  8. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    I've read that book, well some of it. I found it one day when I was helping my mom move, it was in her garbage pile. Talk about coincidence! This happen just after I finished reading the Celistine Prophacy" The flow of energy works in mysterious way but good in my case.

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