The Kelp Thread.

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Randy High, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    This is my second grow using kelp. I have good things to say about Kelp.

    My first grow with Kelp was a nursery store bought bottle of cold processed kelp liquid. I used it as a follar spray and thought the results were noticable. I was working with a HID and other things so there was a rush of new information at hand last year.

    This year I added a box of kelp meal to the soil and just yesterday I opened a new jug of Algamin cold processed seaweed. 0.2 - 0 - 0.4
    I have a nice sprayer and I mixed the solution 4 tbs to 1 gal.
    I sprayed 6 plants like a heavy rain.

    Today I notice a definite boost in robustness of the growth on my screen. More so than the cold processed liquid I used last year. I cannot remember the brand from last year but it was not green and thick like this Algamin cold processed seaweed.
    I also believe this kelp is much better than that other stuff. In that it looks like it really boosted the growth on those growing shoots that I am counting on with my first real attempt at Scrog.

    Not that I have any connection to Peaceful Valley but I was there Tuesday and bought this :
    They have their own label on the jugs and they seem to have the very best in organic supplies.

  2. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I'm wondering if other use Kelp and if so what are your results.

  3. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    Hi Randy.

    I use a kelp based product called "Seasol',not sure if you guy's can get it over there,but i have noticed improved growth when using this product compared to other fert's and it's all NATURAL ! :wink:

    Here's the link for ya;

    Peace." target="_blank">

  4. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Kelp is great,I use it in my teas.Iuse one called Soluble Seaweed Extract NPK of (0-0-16)which is great for more elements.
  5. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    what HB420 said^^^ i use the same stuff works wonders!
  6. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Besides it working wonders it works just like Superthrive.It reduces transplant shock and promotes a healthier growth and bloom thats why i like the stuff.

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