The ultimate question!

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Your Own Mind, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Your Own Mind

    Your Own Mind Full Flowering

    How much weed to you think i can expect to pull from this. I know there are lots of variables, but an estimate will do. We'll see what i actually pull and see whos the closest. This is just for fun so no responses like "You cant tell what your going to pull, your a noob and we hate you". Its for fun!

    2 by 2 foot square, 4 plants in soil, under 400w HPS. Flowered at 1.5 feet.

    Lets take your bets!!!!!!!
  2. endlesshighway

    endlesshighway Excommunicated

    i bet a qp. let me know if im close!
  3. 0077

    0077 Germinated

  4. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast


    hate to sound repetative, but i actually was in your same situation...400 watt HPS....only 2 plants though...i'd say 2.5-3.5 OZ. Good luck my friend.
  5. Your Own Mind

    Your Own Mind Full Flowering

    The strain is Nirvana Chrystal.

    This will be my first grow so anything could happen. Everything starts in 2 or 3 weeks after my holidays. So you have a long wait for the answer lol.
  6. ishmeil

    ishmeil cannabis connoisseur

    i wouldnt be betting on harvesting a qp from your first grow...

    i only say this becuase my first (hack-ass) grow only yielded like 3-4 gs, and it was flowered at 1 or 1.5 feet, the differnece here is that you have an HPS, so you never know till its over right
  7. BbMinorFunk

    BbMinorFunk NOT a pro

    some basic questions

    Would you say you know for sure all of your plants are female and how far along are they? Without any of the info im guessing around 3oz after drying. My first grow i had a 3ft tall plant that i fucked all up and only got an oz and a half, but it was the most enjoyable burn ive ever been graced with. It was like getting blown by six women who are only half way dirty and one has a lazy eye. Good luck.
  8. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    I avrage 2.5 oz. per plant off of a 400w HPS. Sometimes more.
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Yup....that's about the given for 400W in my experience too.
  10. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still


    I'd say w/o any major problems you should get a 1/4 lb. easily, if not more.:rocker:

    Here's to a fruitful harvest Y O M :beerchug:
  11. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Seeing as you are a numb nuts I bet you get 1/2 lb of tomatoes! :icon_confused:

    I'm looking forward to seeing how things shape up. Give me a shout if you need anything.
  12. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    im betting on ur noobiness, sorry but i gotta...1 oz, including every popcorn krumb u can convince ur gf is weed lol

    unless ur a natural , which there are i guess, then i'd say mmmm a lil more than a qp.

    Good Luck!

    Happy Growin' :pimp:
  13. Nilzar

    Nilzar A Fat Sticky Bud

    Can anyone post some averages under a 600w or 1000w?
  14. SMARMY

    SMARMY Cuban Bee

    Your guess is as good as anyone elses. There are so many variables that contribute to the final weight. Even if you provide all your specs it is still just a guess. If you know what your doing 1/2 gr. - 1gr. per watt is normal. 1-2 gr per watt and you are a fuckin' badass. If it's you 1st grow trash whatever fantasy you have about yield.
  15. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Good word of advice.. I read through this thread earlier and didnt have an answer for him. Theres really no way of knowing. You have to just do what it do, experiment. If you get 200 grams this time, figure out what you can do to get more weight the next time. Its trial an error my man. Theres always room for improvement tho. If you are new to growing, you have to put a lot of time into to understand. I have been growing for 9 years now, and theres a lot I dont know, But I am happy to share any of my advice and experiences with anyone.

  16. Your Own Mind

    Your Own Mind Full Flowering

    We all know theres many variables, its just for fun, like guess how many pea are in jar at a fair.
  17. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    1,382 :)
  18. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    just so the poster knows i was just joking...i was serious.

    if the noob pattern continues with him then im guessing an ounce total, and if he does everything right proly a lil more than a qp.

    no negativity intended, just propogating positive pulses

    Happy Growin' :pimp:
  19. Your Own Mind

    Your Own Mind Full Flowering

    .............. And the results are in.

    147 grams or 5.2 oz.

    The 4 plants ended up being 2 females. So 2.6 oz per plant!

    All you 1/4 ponders where right.


    Round two is in progress. 3 plants. Im trying for 8 oz this time!
  20. OneHitterInOz

    OneHitterInOz A Fat Sticky Bud

    Good job, looks great, seems as if everyone was bout right on.

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