too much calcium and magnesium???

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by jimmy the lizard, May 2, 2007.

  1. jimmy the lizard

    jimmy the lizard Genius beginner!

    anyone out there know if i still should use advanced nutrients cal mag plus, (it also has iron,) if i use dolomitic lime with 22% calcium, and 11% magnesium.
    would it be best to ditch the cal mag, or use em both together?

    BTW, i havent used dolomitic lime yet, and havent had a P.H. problem in my soil i couldnt deal with by just leaching, and adjusting the P.H. of my nute formula.
    UrBigBuddie likes this.
  2. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Its all good brotha!!!

    KEEP COOL BROTHA!!!!:5cool: :punk: :pimp: :potleaf: :bigok: :thumbsup:

    If its not causing you any problems so far, as in the CAL-MAG PLUS, and you aint getting ANY ph problems you CANT hanndle, then YES, why NOT continue with what you are obviousely used to...:punk:

    Keep it Up B, as it seems to me you have MOST under control anyhow, so stick in there and dont let any shitty PH issues get ya down, if yer already controlling em all....:stop: :) :punk:

    So, iff you aint needed to add any dolomite as of yet, why ask this, is it becasue you do not know if you should go ahead n use the dolomite at some time? your thinking....maybe you may end UP with a PH problem or a def in the future if needing to use dolomite lime???

    Well...., DONT worry about stuff that aint even happened to you yet,lol, be cool mang, dont stress it, and you'l be totally fine my friend, let NATURE do its "work", and then if you can/need to fix it, then ONLY then, ONLY then, will you have to add the extra Dolomite lime , and still at that, i do NOT think you'l have MUCHO problemo's mang!!! :) :punk:

    All is sounding good anyway, to be truthfull n totally honest to ya ma man..

    Keep it UP n worry about it when, or iff it even happens, but please, DO NOT sweat over something you think could happen or hasnt even happened yet, or even showing signs of it yet, its all good just now right??? Well keep going, and let NATURE take course and when its time, iff needed, then add it, n use minimal amounts, if needs be at all... :) :punk:

    Peace Out,

    UrBigBuddie.............:pimp:<<<<>>>>>>> :) :punk: :) :punk: :punk: :punk:
  3. jimmy the lizard

    jimmy the lizard Genius beginner!

    thanx for the reply ubb. ive asked that question before an got no replys.

    i wasnt exactly worried about ph, but most experienced soil growers reccomend dolomitic lime. also i dont check the ph of my soil that often, and if dolomitic lime helps keep my ph in check, im gonna use it. especially considering once you notice the ph of your soil being way off, you wonder how much yield youve lost already.

    id like to use the dolomitic lime, but dont know wether or not to keep using cal mag. i must have several hundreds of dollars of nutes, mostly advanced nutrients. theyre my favorite! :)
  4. iheartmaryj

    iheartmaryj Begun Flowering

    im a poor grower

    if i had money i would make my own mixer of soil but im poor so .

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