Transplant Solution

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by wawona, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    There is a Saturday morning radio show here that focuses on organic gardening. It usually is nothing more than lil old ladies calling in wondering how to fix her rose bushes or when to trim her shrubs. :) It's on in the background and I rarely pay much attention, but I was on a service run in the truck and happened to be paying attention when the host was answering a transplant question.

    He said that he had a great transplant solution for ANY plants. Annuals, perenials, shrubs, etc, etc, etc. I have always been tempted to call in with a marijuana question. LOL!!

    any way, he said that a mix of the following made a great transplant soltion and to soak the transplants in the solution for 15-20 minutes.

    2 gallons water
    2 tablespoons dish soap
    1/4 cup instant tea granuals
    1 can beer

    I have never tried this method as I just heard it today. I was wondering if anyone has used a similar transplant solution or had any thoughts or ideas on these ingredients. the dish soap threw me off.
  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Interesting...makes ya wonder WHO the hell came up with THAT mixture....and how? :eek:
  3. Project-X

    Project-X Mayor of Trichome Valley

    The lil' ol' ladies sittin' around drinking the beer for the formula came up with it. lol "Hey Matilda, hand me that dish soap, some tea and give me another damn beer!"
  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    After the 6 beers I just had...I'm ready for transplant now. :D
  5. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    Ive tried that method before and works,beer contains yeast that is good for plants and helps promote greener growth and something in the tea that helps the stem aid faster.:punk:
  6. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    dish soap helps water penetrate some soil types.

    What the Ice Tea is for is the question.

    The closest I came was a study on plant stress.

    Perhaps it's some vague reflection on the health benefits.

    I'm betting it's a clutch at science data. Still I'd like to understand that one.

    There was a guy I read about long ago who did stuff like that.

    He added stuff like coke (cola).

    Beer stimulates micro-organisms << WORD so save the old flat ones for the compost pile.

    I guess the question is is that Tea with sugar and lemon or not?

  7. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Doc what is "helps the stem aid faster"

  8. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Beer gets old and flat? :ponder:

  9. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Come on :)

    Funny tho.
  10. slag

    slag Germinated

    see jerry bakers books,hes got that and more,and always coming up with somethng new.i have use tea,soap,ammonia,and wiskey on 9 day old seedling as a foliar spray,until they looked better,then stop the spray,as seedlings took off in pro-mix 5 gallon bucket,took abot 2 gallons od water to just dampen the mix,until it formed a ball if squeezed in ur and,and use 1 gallon and 1 qt. of water,to fill wick sustem,wen soil dried first time.havent grown lik that for a while.anyway,the beer,will eat the bad bacteria.whiskeys lik,vit.b,s...u know wat ammonisa is,and wat it does,balance is the key....jerry bakes got many books on it ever wereu see gardening books sold,he even offers acupuncture....peace barneytown/:icon_bounce:
  11. slag

    slag Germinated

    well,i have also used osmocote value 6.5...the other labeled veg. osmocote,they sell has a ph of 7.4,that why i dont buy that one.u can add the 19-6-12,for pro-mix,or u can ad it to just about any,of the prefert. soils out there,as water ph is 7.4,so the ph 6.5,fertilizers works perfect for also worked in theses soils,wen revegataing too.:laughing5: not promting it,just that its very simple wen using my tap water,that i dont have to adjust,me got tired of that.anyway u mentioned beer,so i just tossed up so simple info....i know its not organic section....:laughing5: peace out/barney and the monster clones attack...yak yak....
  12. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Jerry Baker the movie!


    google links are interesting tho.
  13. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    When I transplant I use Liquid Karma and Top Max Stimulator,I use one teaspoon of each stimulant per gallon of water and works out perfect with a pH of 6.5.
  14. slag

    slag Germinated

    he,he...more lik the jerry springer got book to boot....we he...:icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:
  15. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER



    Yeah...who the hell comes up with these solutions and , for starters, they must try allsorts of things and cause alot of damage too, trying to produce these MAD CRAZY techniques that WORK...Supposedly anyway!!!!

    Very Interesting indeed though for sho!!!

    Peace Out for now peeps,

    UrBigBuddie...........:punk: :5cool: :bong: :bong: :XXsmoker: :potleaf: :potleaf:

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