well I just ordered Indonesian bat guano and bracken cave bat guano sorry if spelling is wrong and botanicare pure blend pro. my last harvest taste like shit ditch weed, kinda bummed. so that is why I ordered the organic stuff. I have the father dom organic soil and duck poo sitting in my basement just waiting for all the puzzle pieces before I start. I need my weed to taste good the nugz I'm used to smoking taste awesome thats what I'm looking for. any other ideas about things I may need to achieve my goal? hey mods I prob should have put this in the organic section but I cant seem to figure out how to move it.
Thanks for all the input guys. I also ordered botanicare sweet and cal mag last night. I think fox farm shit is too expensive but given how much they pay for us to print their bags I can see why they charge so much. now I just need to figure out how the feeding cycles should be with all the stuff I bought. Any help with that would be appreciated.
Stang, if you harvest tastes like hay, it has nothing to do with the nutes. It means your plant could not metabolize the chlorophyl and starches and excess minerals into sugars. And organics wont help that either. Detail your nute regiment, and harvfest procedure, maybe we can help you out better.
no, but the organics will help with all of my burning probs. and the plants will be able to uptake better and make better use of the nutes (stay healthy instead of burning up). the bad tastse isnt like hay but it isnt like nugz either more like ditch weed. the MG is too hard to get right and not to mention it lacks alot of things the plants need. with the new baby I need something that I dont have to worry about as much. trying to keep plants in the optimum range vs one extreme or the other
Well shit, all you had to say was you were using MG! LMAO Yes, buds grown with MG usually burn like charcoal, taste god awful, and gives me a headache. It's the time release ferts. Nasty stuff. In that case, the guano's will definetely solve your problems! I used the indo bat guano, along with the jamaican and mexican and peruvian. (the peruvian I think is seabird guano). Check out some posts by my good friend Solo. He posted a good recipe using the guano's as teas. It worked very well for the few organics runs I did a long time ago. Some tips for organics - lots of benies! The only difference between mined mineral fertilizers (commonly refered to as chemical ferts,) is organics rely on the beneficials to break down the organic matter into menerals that can be taken in by the plant. So the more beneficials you have the better. You can overdo it, because too large a population will cause the benies to starve, and that invites the bad bacteria in. But a good healthy dose of mychorizae will really help you. It will take a good 2-3 weeks minimum to establish a decent colony. Organics take a long time to break down and metabolize in the plant. To me, 90% of organics taste like poop (guano), fish (fish emulsion) etc. etc. because additional molecules present in the soil from the benies doing their job are also taken up. So, make sure you taper way down on the feedings about the end of week 5 on an 8 week strain. There will be lots of unused material in the soil for the benies to feed on for 3 weeks of flush. Unless of course you like the flavor of bat poop, in which case, more power to you. HAHA. Hope that helps ya man.
yeah that helps I will look around to find some recipes. I will be looking for tea and soil mixing recipes. want a nice rich soil to start with so I can let them go for a few weeks before hitting them with with mixtures of all the shit I got.
Its not that it is excessively high in N. Its that N comes in the form of urea (urine). And because the microbes have to break down the urea into Ammonia Nitogen, (uptake very limmited by the plant), and then into Ammonia Nitrate (readily available for uptake) it easy to overfert. Typically people are adding in additonal guano, when the N is actually just becoming available for uptake. So you get a quick build up of unused N in the soil, which quickly becomes toxic. Its the same problem using human urine, which also has N in it.
so would it be better to mix like a half cup into the soil mixture before planting? that would let things start breaking down before plants go in.
Yes, it would be better to mix it in, or use teas. I always went by tablespoons as well. 1-3 per gallon for teas, it seemed to me starting at 1, working up to 2 maybe 2.5 at week 4, then back down to 1 for week 5, then flush for 3 weeks worked best for me. But, admitedly my organics experience is limited. I have very little knowledge of ammeded soil and composting, other than moonshine mans mix.
only if you want it to tast like bat poo. as a tea I would guess 1 application in flower. bag says every 6-8 weeks so I would guess once at 2 weeks into flower
Thats for dry guano. Either used as a top dressing or mixed into the soil. If you are going to mix it into the soil, make sure you crush it up into a fine powder. It will break down easier. The teas are already partially broken down, so the microbes can utilize the material more readily. If you are concerned about overfert, feed only every other watering and use plain water the other 50%. BTW, I use 5 gallon buckets so its about 7-10 days for the plain water feedings. LIke I said, Im no organics expert by any means, I can only say what I have done in the past.
I was thinking of crushing Seabird Guano 10-10-2.5 into my soil mix so that it won't last till harvest, but am hesitant thinking that it may release too much fert, burning the plants, by breaking down so fast... is this possible? Stangman- Where did you get the Bracken Cave Guano and how much did it cost? :icon_salut: