Two weeks into Flowering.

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Randy High, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    How much n-(P)-k is too much for a soil grow?

    I have to use EJ Bloom; I'm broke and I have that..

    I could add a "Hot Shot" of Shultz bloom like 0-60-0 to the EJ

    I have Fish emul, EJ, Shultz and misc stuff on hand.

    It's gotta do... Work is getting spotty and I'm eating Top Ramen.

    Advice on using EJ requested. I'm 2 weeks into flowering

  2. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    "How much N-P-K" depends on the size and health of your plant, the pH of the medium, and whether you are using organics or chemicals for fertilizers.

    I've used Earth Juice in the past, and it is safe to use in moderation.
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    Quote: from llIndigoll on 10:34 pm on Jan. 15, 2005
    "How much N-P-K" depends on the size and health of your plant, the pH of the medium, and whether you are using organics or chemicals for fertilizers.
    I've used Earth Juice in the past, and it is safe to use in moderation.

    All super healthy.. I think I'm pondering a boost to express buds.. They are just starting out and have a good 12 inches they can grow.

  4. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    feed her good with the fish ****- use half doses of the EJ and if u want -a few dropsa shultz.... use what ya got if ya aint got the dough.
  5. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    The "Shultz and misc stuff on hand" will not give you the flowering I get with organic flowering fertilizers.

    I would sugggest FF Big Bloom liquid plant food (be sure to balance pH) and Indonesian bat guano:
  6. Budweiser 3

    Budweiser 3 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    What Indi said^^^^^^^^^:wink: B3
  7. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    If I wait till Friday I could buy something.

    Thanks TOA and llIndigoll.

    The FF and The Indo.... hummmmm

    I want to do it right. Up to this point it looks like the Photos I have seen others post.

    Again thanks for the input.. I'll have to choose this week.. I think the SeaBird has given them a start. I figure one more major fert... Then it's auto pilot.

    With ScrOG once it's all in place and trimmed the work load slows down.

    Still learning and kickin the info around in my head..

  8. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Results of my debate:

    I decided to follow the advice and I am going to do it all.

    I have mixed Fish, a Hot Shot of shultz, Kelp, Sulfer, Lime B1 and 1/2 dose of EJ and a bit of Honey.

    The mixture smelled Minty.

    I will top dress with Guano for a slow release when I water.

    I may make a Blood tea with Indo Guano if I think it can take it.

    I loose my 100% organic rating with the "Hot Shot" but it is here and I have to use what I have.

    The time was now to feed so I used what I have.

    Thank you for the chat I needed to bounce ideas off yall.

    The Girls have slowed to 1/2 to 3/4 inch a day and the beginnings of some medium sized colas ( ScrOG type size ) are abundant. Perhaps they used up the Nitrogen.. No yellow leaves yet so it wasn't bad if they did. I'll be able to tell if it was a low in nitrogen in a couple days.

    No signs of nute problems at all.. I think the kelp meal, I added b4 I started, added micro's

    I don't know how long to let them go for Optimum buddage ( buddege? How should that be spelled??...

    So I have to watch.

    Before I have always had to cut when the time was up not when they were as done as done should be.

    But the sweet Kick is in my friends!

    I hope to break my 2 & 1/2 oz of useable medical supply record.

  9. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    **** the shcultz and go all organic Age Old bloom ,Meta bloom and guanos thats it.
  10. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    Quote: from HELL BOY 420 on 11:25 pm on Jan. 19, 2005
    **** the shcultz and go all organic Age Old bloom ,Meta bloom and guanos thats it.

    I will see about spending some money tomorrow..

    Work is slowing down but not my bills.

    I'm gonna do some more guanos for sure...

    They are looking good but have slowed down to 1/2 inch a day.

    Putting a fan under the screen has improved the look of the plants over night.

  11. erix420

    erix420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    I totally understand your circumstances < use what you have and make it work.

    Try and keep in mind necessity is the mother of all inventions ;)
  12. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Okay my fellow organic Fans..

    I have a bag of goodies including a PH meter!


    I have Age-old bloom... Indo and some more sea-bird!

    Am I set yes I am....

    Gonna top dress with the sea-bird and indo... I will water with age-old and or fish.

    I didn't like the Fox farms.. I mean it looks processed I'm sure it's ok....

    Gona put the EJ on the flowers outside...

    So no more Shultz...

    Again thank you for the interactions.

  13. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Great choice Randy,Age Old Bloom will work great along with B cuzz Bloom Stimulator as an additive or you could use Liquid Karma there both all natural and organic along with the guanos.Good Luck,may organics be with you.
  14. erix420

    erix420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    just a reminder - Ageold has no Mg so its best if you add 2 TBS of epson salt to each gallon of water = CA & Mg .

    abd hay man ^ big up's randy
  15. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Right On!

    I feel so GooooooooD!

    Gonna dress around the base of the plant for slow release.

    Later when it's time I'll feed with age old.

    Just used something from the Dollar Store. I think it's E-Salts.. It has Mag and Sulfer in it so, I don't think it needs another dose yet.

    I sure have learned a lot from the Site plus I have read some books and read other sites as well but, GrowKind is Lucky to have you guys and now with my experience ; To have me too.

    Right On. :: Got some 35mm film and will shoot the State the Scrog is in later tonight. The point at which they went from stretch to flower.

    BTW I still have 21 inches to the light.. I think everyone in there will get light to the end.

    Last year it was a choked out mess.

    Later in a month or two I can afford to develop this film around here and get a Digi..

  16. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    An Update..

    About my fert mix,

    Today I measured and I have had an inch growth so I figure that it was really time to feed them when I did and that my mix did well.

    I figured it would take a couple days to kick in.

    Buds are growing nicely. It's a nice thought that they can grow another 4 to 5 weeks

    Looks like this is a good effort.

    Snapped some pictures; boy I love being able to swap the HPS for the MH..

    Don't know what else to add.

    I will have pictures developed in a month or two I assume...


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