Ok, after alot of thought, I've decided that the way I had my soil mixed just wasn't right, I can'[t say why it just wasn't right. I didn't remix the entire thing, I did it pot at a time, what I had my soil in were 8" pots. And my 5 gallon container made enough for 5 of those full. What I did was move my super soil into my new pots (2.5 gallon) then filled in 90% of the excess space with organic soil ( the same soil I had 25% of the super soils content). I then threw in two handfuls of humus, and poured in about another FAT FAT cup of perlite, and I did them one by one until they're all in 2.5 gallon buckets. The soil is right where I want it now. My original recipe was 20% cow manuer compoost, 25% organic soil, 15% humus, 40% perlite, then add in the potash, bone/blood meal etc etc etc. I'd say this is a better formula. For a 5 gallon bucket (like the painter ones you get at home depot) 12.5% Humus, 12.5% cow manuer compost, 35-40% organic soil, 35-40% perlite. (32 oz cups) 1 cup blood meal, 2.5 cups bone meal, 2 cups potash, then add the Minor Essential Elements on the top of the soil and let the water seep them in. The mixing procedure is on another post, but PM me and i'll be happy to assist you, and I'll also tell you the total cost it took for my soil, where I bought, etc etc. --[[!NOTE I'm going to be double checking the potash ratios....
its all good bro, just expierament with differant mixes and methods, and stick with it once u start a certain mix but go easy on the potash. what i buy is 0-0-60, and it will burn a plant if ur not careful. i would personaly mix ur soil for good veg conditions, and then add ur flower ferts a little at a time as flowering gets closer. a little potash in the soil is good, but dont over do it.