watch your light leaks...

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by hygrade, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    one dark night in central florida, humidity or maybe just karma caused a piece of tape to fall off of the wall of the flowering area of a grower that could have done a better job of lightproofing the first time,he was warned and knew better,but f*ck it, a piece of duct tape'll work, right? but for how long? i opened up my door this morning to bananas in my nugs and pistils slowly reddening and shriveling.pollen has come to town.hermie pollen at that.the upside is,i see now what can handle the stress without turning and what cannot.luckily for me and some friends,:qbluewacko: the plants i have pollenated on purpose(dsd f3's & ak47 x dsd) are outside and isolated away from the hermie pollen.the bad news is,my next harvest at the first of the month has now become mids:5headache:
    make sure you're on top of light leaks folks,it could cause you a real pain, i hope this helps someone
  2. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    It's hard

    to do a GOOD lightproofing job! What week of flowering were they in?
  3. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Hey looks like you got ammo for snicks overgrow the country thing, now just to find some nice public place for these ladies to take heed......:growin:
  4. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast


    if it's the light leak that caused them to hermie, your seeds won't be hermie...I guess that's a good thing, right?!?
  5. MK-Ultra

    MK-Ultra Excommunicated

    Thats just bad karma for fucking with SRH so J/K
  6. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast


    you got me thnking babies are too big to really look over would involve too much touching...

    the female preflowers are supposed to be amber by now if the plants are old, right? The ones that get polinated are the new ones that pop up during flowering, right?
  7. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    nn,i have no idea.they are in the 7th week,i may cut early before these beans develop
  8. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    That SUCKS!!! I've had to harvest at 6 weeks because of bananas & it was still good smoke-Bud

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