Water from your boiled veggies

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by DANK WIZARD, May 2, 2005.


    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    Someone told me to dilute the water used to boil your veggies{especially brocoli and spinch}by half or three quaters and add your fert mix to that. Will this help or hurt my ladies?
  2. drunken monkey

    drunken monkey Veggy Stage

    Sounds like a plausible idea, as long as you aren't boiling with added butters, salts, or spices. I've read an article that supports microwaving vegetables to boiling them, because the latter depletes more nutrients. Maybe these nutrients are left behind in the water..maybe not.

    While we are on the subject of adding things to water, do any of you have Weeping Willow trees nearby? A good rooting compound can be made by taking a Gallon jug of water, and adding several pieces of Willow branches. Take a small branch from the tree, remove the bark, and cut several 1 inch long pieces. Let them sit in the water for 2 or 3 days, remove them, and the water left "Willow Water" (which will contain butyric acid) can be used to water new clones.
  3. bobbybfunk

    bobbybfunk Veggy Stage

    That idea seems fesable especially when take into account all of the vitamins and nutrients that broccoli has.
  4. alz

    alz Developed Alternating Nodes

    you would get a better result if you used the water from boiled eggs,just let it cool down and then feed it to your girls

    DANK WIZARD New Sprout

    I am trying to mix the perfect organic tea. I read that there is less of a risk of over or under feeding my plants using natural suppplments such as using the water from my fish tank to make fert teas. I want to know what they are supplmenting. Would the water from the eggs be adding calcium? I believe the water from my fish tank is a good thing because the **** and allege enrich nitrogen, clorine and pollunts evaorate out, and I keep the PH neutarl. If anything I said is wrong please let me know.

  6. JamaicanRedHair

    JamaicanRedHair Veggy Stage

    so the branches u use from a weepinf willow tree are only used for clones . can they be used on week old plants would this help growht i have los of willow trees around my place thats why i am intrested in the article its readily available to me??
  7. chato420

    chato420 Begun Flowering

    can't one of the forum wizards ban this PRICK? Fucking Jigga Boo Cocksucking cunt monkey!
  8. JamaicanRedHair

    JamaicanRedHair Veggy Stage

    why the **** do u and 4q2 go around starting **** u need to get ur dumass and 4q2 the jackass that rode u in!! U STUPID MUTHER FUCKERS!!
  9. 4Q2

    4Q2 Begun Flowering

    boiled veggies, boiled cabbage, and willow water

    Hell a chunk o' meat 'n this could be a fucking cooking forum
  10. JamaicanRedHair

    JamaicanRedHair Veggy Stage

    ya and any more of your bad information and ur dumass self might rub off on us . I dont want to be inbred like u im sorry ur so retarted u have nothing else to say but im being a gentleman just go do something else maybe u take intrest in your sister so u can carrey on your dumass way to your kids
  11. 4Q2

    4Q2 Begun Flowering


    ya and any more of your bad information

    Show me where I've posted "bad information".
    You seem to be the one with little or NO pertinant information, but feel desperatly the need to have your "bad information" validated.
    ie.."This should be in the FAQ"

  12. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    The willow water IS an organic solution to rooting clones. It's been done for years before rooting hormones became commercial. That much I know of. As for the boiled veggi water....not sure about that one myself. I say try it on one plant as an experiment then get back to us with the results. :smoke2:
  13. JamaicanRedHair

    JamaicanRedHair Veggy Stage

    bad information well its obvious even ur avatar is bad information for marijuana any one with eyes can see that o my god u crack me up! ahahhahaha
  14. 4Q2

    4Q2 Begun Flowering

    ""Show me where I've posted "bad information"."

    show me.Show me where I ever said use MG.

    Show it or shutup and go make some stew.

    herby..yes, willow does contain a natural rooting hormone. Did you also know that Stinging nettle is also a good source of el naturel nitrogen, and alfalfa contains a potent growth enhancer.
  15. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I wouldn't lend any credence to what these rookies say to you about anything. You obviously have more experience,and really do not have to prove it. Besides if their were no other nutes available for my outdoor grow I would not hesitate to use MG. I have in the past,and it worked. I choose not to use it now that I have been enlightened to a better way,organic. what would you rookies rather smoke, A) A well flushed nice strain of herb grown with MG, or B)The mexican schwag that you have been smoking since you started. Grown with,and by who knows what? You kids need to get some grow experience,and then you can step up to the table,and share your experience.
  16. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    lol he crackz me up 2. 4q2 waltz round here givin worthless info & tauntz newbies. he already knowz nobody gunna listen 2 hiz dumbass just 4 da simple fact he got a MG avi. i heard him say it himself. just da otha day sum1 asked bout how 2 increase reflectivity 4 plantz, then he when on bout sum plastic reflective durt, tottally unrelated 2 mj growin. this 4q doesnt have a plant 2 save hiz own f'n life.
  17. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    totally unrealtd 2 mj....

    by 4q2-

    "- Developed and patented by scientists with the Agricultural Research Service and Clemson University, red plastic mulch boosted tomato yields in research plots up to 20 percent, while conserving water and controlling weeds. Red plastic mulch reflects onto plants higher amounts of certain growth-enhancing light waves from sunlight. In 3 years of ARS field tests, red mulch boosted tomato size and weight by increasing the plant's growth above the ground--especially in the fruit. The scientists say the mulch can improve strawberry flavor by changing the fruit's chemistry. A colleague working with Kasperbauer is currently analyzing strawberries for sugars and organic acids. The ARS scientists say their research has focused on two color components of reflected light to enhance plant growth--the percentage of blue and the ratio of far-red to red. Red mulch has a low blue component and a high far-red to red ratio. Numerous garden supply catalogs carry this product. "

    wut kind of advice iz dat? sum1 had a q 7 thiz iz yo advice? lol. this doesnt evn look like yo own post either u lil cut n pastr. 4q doesnt have a bud 2 save hiz life!
  18. 4Q2

    4Q2 Begun Flowering

    **** you cum guzzler
  19. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    go fill a cereal bowl wit dat red plastic mulch & snack on it 4queer. betta yet, go find sum1 elses picz of bud & try 2 pass em off as yo own. u poor sorry budless sap, i havent seen as much as a joint frm yo sorry ass.
  20. CanadianConnection

    CanadianConnection Developed Alternating Nodes

    yup... I'd have no problem using water from cooking veggies... or using the plastic mulch sounds like a good idea.. sand works in the same way by being very reflective, that is why you are at a very high risk of getting a sunburn when you are at the beach, due to the reflective properties.

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