wawona and miracle grow

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by shhhhh, Jul 24, 2005.

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  1. shhhhh

    shhhhh Germinated

    hey everyone is miracle grow good for your soil? miracle grow guy thinks it is!?? wawonas icon is his mom is she didnt shave for a few days. ahahha
  2. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    you really should get a new joke. you have worn that one out man. :wink:
  3. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator


    Hey Shhhhh...go with the MG ferts buddy. I recomend a double dose on seedlings just for good measure. In fact...I hear it works GREAT combined with cactus ferts. :smoke2:
  4. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

  5. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

  6. 4Q2

    4Q2 Begun Flowering

    'aye, yes I, the "Miracle Grow" guy, spanked your little ass in the forum. AND I own stock in MG. That is one reason I promote it with my avatar. Gotta' sell that ****.

    It's great for all that ails you or your garden. Cures shingles, arthritis, heart disease and serves as protection against AIDS. When mixed proportaionatly with apple juice, baking soda and milk, it is brain food, too. You really should invest.... ;)
  7. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    I was wonderin' who the "miracle grow guy" was. Now I know. Just curious ,4Q2, do you use miracle grow on your pot plants?

    :animbong: wa
  8. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    LMAO @ 4Q2 :roll:
  9. 4Q2

    4Q2 Begun Flowering

    ;) wawona, no I don't use MG. It isn't fit for quality mj "IMO" It's high in saltz, it's inconsistant in n-p-k, it has no magnesium, it's blue, different batches seem to cause different ph swings. I thought a contraversial avvy as appropriate for a "4Q" nik



    I use Miracle grow soil with time released plant food , and they get direct sun light at least 9 hours a day on a sunny day


    Total Posts: 19 | Joined June 2005 | Posted on: 12:40 pm on July 21, 2005 |by Grower4life
  10. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    it's BLUE. LMAO!
  11. Pappey

    Pappey Guest

    wawona dont talk to me your pappey like that now wut are some good ones
  12. closetgrowth swore by MG... but his pot tasted like **** im sure!

    mircle grow? You can keep it all!
  13. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

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