well, some **** happened yesterday, it is hard to explain if you werent there, but i guess old fucking squares cant keep their noses out of my business. god forbid i go get some gallons of water..these old fucks run a little store across the street from me, they know me somewhat,and i think they are suspicious of what was going on now...they happened to be at the same store i went to for my reverse osmosis water, like the 3rd time i have ever went to get this water, but i didnt know they were there..i went to their store later on and they said some things which make me believe they are suspicious of what was going on here, and these people work for the office of where i live and know cops (my close relative also happens to be a cop, but anywho..) and i just freaked. after all was moved to my friend's, i downed 3 valiums, watched the simpsons and degrassi junior high and enjoyed the rest of the evening! what gets me is that yesterday was such a PERFECT day, but then that happened! well atleast i have know-how and knowledge, i will get to it again another time...i need to get a house in some new town far away where NO ONE fucking knows me, i swear. a couple of the plants got killed in my haste, including my 4 foot tall mother plant, but the rest are at my friend's, where they will be finished. atleast i have some previous harvest. but this house is totally clean now. why do i have to be afraid to grow plants in my house? i guess that is how the USA is. **** it. anyone else have stories like this? it would help me think i wasnt so crazy. Well, I am off to play my guitar, one of the very few things i can do and enjoy without having to worry about the law breaking in my house.
As far as "bummer stories", I have one. I was really excited about growing maybe 4 years ago and gathered up all my best beans from bagseed and germinated them. From there I scoped out a secluded area with direct sunlight on state land and planted my best seeds. I went back every week to check on my plants and fert. Later in the year, I took my cousin to show him my achievement. Long story short, he stole them and sold them. Now the only people who know I grow are my parents (their house). Indoors at home is the way to grow. I guess what we can all learn from this thread is to be as discreet as humanly possible.
"he stole them and sold them." "be as discreet as humanly possible." first problem, relatives are supposed to be trusted. I hope your mum and dad are doing their dead level best. second problem, weed that is grown by a person that sorts it from begining to end well almost to the end, in your case. Is property un-like anything money can buy, I mean, if you need weed, just ask, if you need to borrow some cash just ask, but dont fucking steal my plantjes, and sell them and not even turn me on, did he even turn you on to any cash or smoke?? I wouljd be wondering that answer? BTW, if i catch anyone, discover that anyone is tampering with or trying to rip me off, first of all I call the police, here in Holland, unlike other places, they wont even bother with your weed plantation, they want the person that broke into your house. also, if you decide not ot call the law, then if you beat the **** out of him , or her, its rough over here, then they will call the law on you for assualt and growing weed plantation style. Zo, let me repeat," be as discreet as humanly possible." Not one person knows my weed situation at all, I have loads of people that come over, eat, drink, dance, whatever, but I dont turn people on to my plantjes, only the dried stuff. The last thing, If you have the very best security then you dont need to worry about these kinda of things, plus my place is 88 stairs straight up on the 4th floor, next to the church steeple. so I only have to watch out for copters ,I have to be careful when it snows, the lights in the room, melt the snow on my roof, which is all they need to do a surviellnce on you later on. Its not all strawberries, over here....
Yeah well, my cousin is white-trash. There was a time when he wouldn't screw you over, but we were kids. Anyway, he became a high school dropout who steals from his family. I thought we were good enough friends at the time that I could show him and maybe he would get into growing, too. But when there is an illegal and valuable substance around, you can't really trust anyone. I'm sure I can trust my parents but nobody else.
QUOTE Quote: from holdmeclosrtonydanza on 7:57 pm on Aug. 18, 2005 Yeah well, my cousin is white-trash. There was a time when he wouldn't screw you over, but we were kids. Anyway, he became a high school dropout who steals from his family. I thought we were good enough friends at the time that I could show him and maybe he would get into growing, too. But when there is an illegal and valuable substance around, you can't really trust anyone. I'm sure I can trust my parents but nobody else. Rippers are bad enough... But to get burned by a relative is just fucking maddening... What he needs is a good old fashioned ass whoopin'!!! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the hair in his crotch, and may his arms be too short to scratch!!!
I moved to a different state and town where I did not know a soul exceping my real estate agent and the loan officer at the bank. So I feel fairly safe now.The closest "town" has 2800 people and after a couple of years here my circle of friends or people I know has not changed by one person over what it was when I moved here.
Good move, I want to move but i need to wait a little while, i probably wont move to a different state (though ohio is right next door, theres a hint of where i live, and they have decent laws) there are plenty of nice little tiny places i could move in this state. I was actually going to buy a house close to here, but they wanted too much. it was on a lake and all, and i was going to get it but then i found out it didnt have a basement, and i was under the impression that it did. So that irked me a bit. Where i live now isnt too bad, I keep to myself and pay my bills, but I still get paranoid here and there, and after what happened the other day, I am taking a break from growing here. It is all at a friends house for now, and since he wants to learn how to do it, i will teach him while they are at his place. It works well for both of us. I am sad to report that during the speedy move, the cola on one of my clones got hurt, I treated it with Hormex and tape (I did that last year to an outdoor plant and it worked wonders), but now it is dried out and dead. It makes me sad. But that happens I suppose. But this proves that it is always good to have atleast a couple people know about your doings, so that if you need help like I did, you can get it. But they MUST, absolutelu must, be close friends. In my town, many people seem to know me, even people I dont know (!), and that irritates the living hell out of me. I guess I will have to keep on being a dick, since most people dont get a hint that I dont want them around! Many are jailbirds, and I just found out that one of them raped some 14 year old girl...that absolutley fucking infuriates me, I would love to slit his throat. But anyway...