Went to the hyrdo store today

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Eddie Cheba, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    I went to the hyrdo store today and picked out what i thought was the best big bud organic fertlizers.  I picked FF Big Bloom, Rainbow Mix Bloom, and bud swell(0-7-0).  The owner told me to go with Rainbow mix bloom with beneficial mycorrhizae (1-9-2), 100% natural organic fertilizer.


    The bag says "Derived from bat guano, sea kelp, steamed bone meal, soft rock phosphate, sulfate of patash magnesia from langbenite, feather meal, and cottonsead meal."

    This kinda suprised me because it was the cheap($7.95) for a 3lb. bag and this guy was telling me it is the best product to use when he had several more expensive items.  I was wondering if there was a better product that would achieve supreme bud formation and size or is this stuff as good  
  2. eightleaf

    eightleaf Germinated

    I'm not an expert, but to me, if I'm gonna be ingesting the whatever, I'd use organic nutrients for my health's sake. Fox Farm has some organic ferts and some not so organic ferts, Rainbow sounds good though never tried it. aged with natural ingredients, similar to Budswell. I like Budswell's counterpart, Super Tea 5-5-5. Very dank earthy scent, same for Budswell too, Super Tea has N+P+K balance of all three though.
  3. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    Ive tried the Budswell and worked very well in flowering stages,the rainbow mix sounds good to look foward to using it in my organic grow soon but try the Bio Bizz products they work really well.
  4. Eddie Cheba

    Eddie Cheba A Fat Sticky Bud

    thanks guys

    I applied it last night to all my flowering plants. They should be happy campers now.

    Smoke weed everyday!
  5. Smokey Jay

    Smokey Jay Veggy Stage

    That organic **** sounds good. I grow completely organic until the 4th and 3rd last week of flowering, where I use a rare product called supernatural bud blaster (1-52-32). This **** is so powerful I only have to use it twice to make the buds literally double in size. Then I flush all those chems out. It costs about $20 canadian, you people should give it a try if you're interested.
  6. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    where can you get it is there a web site?
  7. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    Yeah, us Canadians have all the perks!!! Cheap killer Green, Cheap killer grow products, and 1 out of 20 grow! You can walk the streets around the neighbourhood at night and you can smell the venting that everyone's doing, the mixture of smells, ooooOOOOOoo baby, Make's you want to light up!! It's like a marijuana tossed salad. Sounds like we just have it all. Laters
  8. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    ohh sushh dewie your making me randy :bigok: jus kiddin jus kiddin
  9. Smokey Jay

    Smokey Jay Veggy Stage

    Outdoor: I'm sure you can order off their website, I bought mine from The Lighthouse Homegrown Hydroponics in Orangeville, Ontario. I'm pretty sure all the Homegrowns carry the product.
  10. DuffMan

    DuffMan Horticultural Technician

    Hey smokey Jay,

    I was just in Orangeville the other day doing some Landscaping. Small world eh.

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