Using all organic stuff from the soil to the nutes.............and yes this EXCLUDES "Miracle Grow".........LOL
Can you do totally organic hydroponics? If so, are the bud quality and yield as good as when using chemicals?
Organic to me is no chems in the soil or in the nutes...that's why i bought Meta's lol...and yes you can do fully organic hydroponics but it's a tad more expensive as hydro is generally more expensive than soil... but it works well, and you get all the benefits of hydro with all the benefits of organics..but i believe hydro is a biatch for new growers to learn..i thought long and hard about it before i went to the soil ..i may do some hydro when the new grow room is built..... But organic to me is preferably as close to 100% organic as possible.
Yes ........NO chemical's in your nutrients and all organic mixtures to grow with, thats all......(SAFER TOO!!!) peace, n keep growing, UrBigBuddie.........
I believe that organic is a plant grown in a living soil. A place where microbes and other living creatures break down material to a plant ready form. You see I have had a thing for organic soil from a young age. Yes weird kids like me do happen. I believe that I can promote conditions in the soil that a plant can love. Then again I don't believe I can add things to pump up a plant like chemical ferts can. Yet I am not tottally against using something if the need is there. I mean I am not above a "hot shot" of shoultz bloom , for example, if I believe it's needed. Yet this is an exception to the rule not the rule. So I add things to my dirt box like ground coffee, kelp meal, alfalfa, I'll brew a pot of coffee and add it to fish emulsion. And I'll try a store bought brew such as Earth Juice bloom or something suggested from time to time. I am a fan of sea bird guano and disappointed with bat guano. I add some wood shavings and some peat moss once in a blue moon to my soil mix. I also hot compost the soil once a year , this processes the miles of fine roots left behind by the previous guests. This also burns up excess nitrogen and possible other nutes. Organic means to me, a natural system. A system that one develops a skill at. A way were living things work as a system.
Good post Randy and i couldn't agree more. My BEST grows were done with an amendment of compost to my BlackGold soil. Had I had enough compost at the time I would have gone straight composted soil. I always added my 3rd gen. recycled soil to my compost heap to help build the soil up as well as add in areation with all the perlite in the mixedsoil already. I much prefef a 'live' soil which is why I went with the Meta ferts...they took regular soil and made it come alive with all the micro-organisms in the ferts. They love it when it's coupled with compost.
Sounds like you do things right Herb. I haven't tried Meta. Perhaps I should. Yeah; a good smelling soil and greenage! Just sitting there, in the great smelling garden can turn a poor day to a happy one Hey I'm building a new dirt box. I've got a thread in DIY keep an eye out. I should have some pictures there soon. I'll do some soil shots and show my compost harvest here in this sub. I'm thinking many folk that come here haven't thought too much about soil.
so if you used the fox farm line including ocean forest soil with some light warrior mixed in on the bottom 1/2 of the 5 gallon pots, grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom, with superthrive and "sweet" by botanicare. these are all organic nutrients but some would argue that fox farm are only organic "based" nutrients and do contain chemicals. what do you guys think, is this "completely" organic? peace. nugz
To be honest there isn't a difference between a chemical nitrogen element and one from organic sources from a chemical point of view but how the nutes are generated is different. I know I'm not using the best wording here but the book I would use is in some storage box some place. What is "Organic" is open to discussion. I mean maybe us stoners should define what an organic grow is. maybe there should be classes 100% organic. organic. semi organic non organic... i don't know. My point of view of my organic is that the plants get a majority of their nutes from material that decomposes under processes of microbes and the ilk. I do have a large dirt box so it makes it easier. see DIY for pictures. I use things like fish emulsion, liquid kelp and other things. If I was in smaller containers I think I would use bottle things more. I'm not one to put down a gardener. I'm into my thing is all. If the product are composite of natural materials with some chemical nutes added perhaps semi organic would be the thing.
to me- 100 percent is NO added HUMAN MADE nutes compiled in a liquid or a solid forms that aret based on naturally occuring materials. as in a mirclegrow or peters 202020 is compiled syntheticly.....thus non natural= non organic. if the material whatever it be is synthesised isnt naturally organic in my eyes. as in this.... if you adment with compost made of food particles and other ORGANIC components like unbleached paper if be or even grass clippings. then your 100 percent organic. if you adnemt with a tea from compost then that 100 percent organic material and it might be a liquid for- its not synthesized in a lab therefore its exempted from being innorganic. if its made from a machiene thats lubricated with cow eyeballs and it says its organic- you can believe whatever it tells you... when i fert with human made- prepackaged substances i dont judge it good or bad if its organic based- i might try it and if i like it i will use it....but i like nothing better than areated compost teas. perlite although not a nutes so considered just a soiless medium- IS A MANS BEST FRIEND! 100 percent organic- compost etc with no slaughterhouse products organic- you might feed with a totaly organic nutrient in a bottle but its been compiled by man so not 100 percent organic semi organic- organic based ferts with or with out added chems (weither or not its in an organic soil or a nutrientless soiless mix) non organic- peters 20-20-20 mircle grow fed plants only in a soiless medium with no nutes in the medium to start with
"If its made from a machine that's lubricated with cow eyeballs and it says its organic-" You crack me up TOA.
(There for.... there IS a difference in chem's and organics nitrogen release n use!!!!!) But i know what ya mean Peace out, UrBigBuddie........
Well I couldn't think of what the element would be called . An Ion? What would an element of N, P or K be called.