what is that SMELL !!!!!!!! :(

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by TRUBoss, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. TRUBoss

    TRUBoss Banned

    I am making blood meal tea and is it supposed to smell this bad
    i opend the bottle it smelled like something died in it lol
    i am just wondering if its supposed to smell like this

    and how much blood meal am i supposed to mix with a gallon of water?
    and how many times do i need to water with the tea or is it unlimited whenever the plant needs watering?

    i bet you guys are pretty sick of askin questions i am just interested in learning more and it is my first time and i think i am doing great THANKS for your time folks
  2. high priestess

    high priestess Germinated

    welcome to organics, it may not smell pretty but the plants love it, have to defer to someone who uses blood meal and makes tea....priestess
  3. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    dead rotting decayed burnt animal bones and blood.. make a sandwich!
  4. mbwiseguy

    mbwiseguy Begun Flowering

    ok, i just threw up in my mouth

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