what size ducting?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by hygrade, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    hello everyone,i need some advice.i am about to install a new air cooled reflector,centrifugal fan and carbon filter.the fitting on the filter is 4", the reflector has 6" fittings and the fan is 4". should i use 4" duct or 6"? thanks
  2. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    You 4" you can get adapters for the reflector and make it 4"-Bud

    P.S. At homedepot couple bucks
  3. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    thanks bud.which will give me optimum air flow though,the 4" or 6" ducting?i can put the reducers on the fans too and run a 6"duct,i just don't know if that would be the best way to go
  4. justmaintaing

    justmaintaing Thread Killer........

    Are you pushing or pulling?
  5. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    a little of both.the fan will be located after the hood,but want to try to vent it outside of the room,which means i'll have another 12' of ducting to add into the line somewhere
  6. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    I would use 6" ducting and reduce down at the filter and fan. Should help move a little more heat out of the light.
  7. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I also use 6"
  8. bclivin

    bclivin Veggy Stage

    I believe if you have a 4 inch fan you should use 4 inch ducting changing from bigger to smaller screws up the vortex which prevents the air from flowing evenly. I know this from working with large ac units and such for large buildings. Going larger to smaller is fine. However I do not have experience with air flow across lights if anyone has some useful insite on the matter I would appreciate their opinion
  9. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    thanks guys. any opinions on what 15 feet of 6" ducting will do to my ability to cool my light and clean my air with a 170 cfm centrifugal fan? i have no experience with this type of fan so placement is another question.i need to vent it outside of the room completely,the problem is,from the grow area it is about 10' from where i can vent outside.

    will i be ok mounting the fan in my flower area and running 12' of vent from the fan outlet to the outside vent?

    or should i mount the fan outlet right to the outside vent and run the 12' of vent from the reflector to the intake of the fan?

    is that as confusing as it feels like it is?
  10. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    that's exactly what i was driving at bc,thank you. the electrical advice was dead on too bro,thank you much,it's all hooked up now,#12 wire to a 20 amp breaker,i'm feeling much safer now!
  11. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Ok you have your carbon filter 4" adapter on then 4" inline fan so you want 4" duct that way you keep the velocity high & it will push the air faster & further if you go to 6" your going to loose a lot of velocity or pressure.-Bud
  12. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    I don't remember how big your flower area was??? You might want to get a 6" fan. I did and it made a world of difference. That is a lot of work for the fan to operate efficiently.
  13. bclivin

    bclivin Veggy Stage

    wow you dont mess around got that going fast. Right on cant wait to see your product
  14. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    hell,i've been going for a little while now bro,just trying to tighten some things up and make the enviroment a little better.i haven't upgraded anything yet,just getting ready now.the flower area is only 3'x3'x7' so the 4" should work great at 170 cfm i think
  15. mohouse

    mohouse Choke'n And Smoke'n


    your space is 3x3x7=63 sq ft. So your fan at 170 cfm's sounds great, unless there's a thing about to much air :) . quick question hygrade. what type of fan ( in-line...etc)? I ask because the in line 4" fan rated @ 65 cfm's (sunleaves $39.99) and one I found a 4" in line fan at home depot that you have to wire @ 80 cfm's (inductor $24.99). Both would exchange the air in there in 3 mins :) . :smokin: and writing this post i wound in your box could your plant even breathe with the air moving so fast around it? So if anyone knows is there such a thing as to much air or I'm just :smokin: to much of my own shit :)
  16. bclivin

    bclivin Veggy Stage

    Yes and no. Air flow is fine but air flow means co2 depletion so you would have to replace it somehow depending on your whole grow situation and preferance. Personally I am going to worry about the co2 when I hit 2 1000watters:suave:
  17. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    it's a centrifugal fan,and i've never heard anything about too much air being a bad thing.smoke on bro:smokin:
  18. MK-Ultra

    MK-Ultra Excommunicated

    I dont think changing the size will effect it too much to worry.... With all that ducting it will definetly quiet the noise down though.

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