where do i guy bat guano and worm castings

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by TexasGrower, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. TexasGrower

    TexasGrower Guest

    does walmart sell this
  2. chato420

    chato420 Begun Flowering

    Go to a hydro shop. Look it up in the yellow pages to find your nearest location. No, walmart nor home depot have guano and earthworm castings. Good luck though.

    (Edited by chato420 at 8:31 am on Aug. 1, 2005)
  3. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

  4. Fish

    Fish Banned

    Near Dallas? Texas Hydroponics is in Deep Ellum.
  5. chato420

    chato420 Begun Flowering

    What the **** are u talking about? Are u high?
  6. Smoke and Pass out

    Smoke and Pass out Begun Flowering

    hahahahahahahahahahaha walmart? thats to dame funny. peace out :animbong:
  7. Fish

    Fish Banned

    a few years ago our local wal-mart sold earth worm castings.
  8. bigbuds

    bigbuds Germinated

    i have a 20lb bag of bat guano
  9. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    :eek: wow man! a 20lb bag? hmmmm how many plantz do u have & wut type of lightin do u use? just curious.
  10. bigbuds

    bigbuds Germinated

    my friend gave it to me.he works at a golf course.he orderd from work.i have 4 plants. had many other but they were found by the cops.because of some mexicans were growing near them.i didnt even know. they found 7,200 plants. cherokee national forest,polk count Tennessee.
  11. Bong O Matic

    Bong O Matic A Fat Sticky Bud

    I heard you can buy bat guano from mc donalds... xD
  12. Fish

    Fish Banned

    Yep mickey ds does sell guano. Just ask for a big mac!
  13. BC Chronic420

    BC Chronic420 Veggy Stage

    Does bat guano actualy work really good for a fertilizer?
  14. chato420

    chato420 Begun Flowering

    Uh.......... YES! Thank you next question.
  15. Bong O Matic

    Bong O Matic A Fat Sticky Bud

    What do you think bat guano is...it's ****....almost all fert's are ****....except compost....but it smells like ****.
  16. OutlawServer

    OutlawServer Germinated

    Bat guanno comes from the south end of a north bound bat.

    You can usually get bat guanno from any real nursery (Not Wally World)in your area, or they can order it for you, be sure to tell them what kind you want, (High Nitrogen) Or (High Potassium) In other word are you Vegg (N) or Bud (P).

    Worm castings can usually be purchased @ the same place, or the bigger landscape supply yards sell it as well.
  17. chato420

    chato420 Begun Flowering

    nO you cannot, I have never found those items @ a nursery and I have been to plenty. Just go to a hydro shop, it's a sure deal. If you don't shop there, you don't grow Mary Jane.
  18. OutlawServer

    OutlawServer Germinated

    I'm sorry chato420 your local nurseries don't carry those fine products, pot growers aren't the only one who use them, And Shhhhhh' don't tell no one because I think They are legal products.... As far as growing the mary jane I just supply myself at Greenfire


    They have guanno about a buck a pound and they ship anywhere......

    (Edited by OutlawServer at 8:28 pm on Aug. 26, 2005)

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