I want to buy some all organic soils and stuff but when I looked at HomeDepot and lowes today HomeDepot had some perlite that had nothing else added to it so I picked that up but they had no organic soil. Just miracle grow and not even organic miracle grow. So I go to lowes and lowes has the miracle grow organic soil which I still dont want. So where else should I look? I have no local garden nursereys around where I live closest one is like an hour away...
im kinda in the same boat at you, there are places around here but i walk everywhere and dont have my car here so i cant go too far. i ordered my shit online, you honestly get a better selection at a way better price (i got some ocean forrest for like 20 a bag when the only retailer in the area was chargin double)
I have never tried composting but I have read up on it but from what ive read it starts to stink and I dont want anything thats gunna stink in my house besides the plants haha. For an outdoor grow I would use compost but not indoors.
No way you have to be really good at composting and set up for it to do it indoors. And then it should be a simple recycle only... I suggest the basic pile outside. Let me know and I am willing to school ya. If you want to spend a bit groworganic.com
Imgunna check out the website and see what ill do but I think I might start a pile in the back yard. All I gotta do is put like left over veggies and grass trimmings and shit like that in there rightt? Then keep it moist
Maybe find the closest hydro store and try them??? You may have to go a ways but if you want good soil that’s what you may need to do.
Ive heard of someexpandle soil type thing. I think it's like perlite, but it comes w/o air, so thus it expands i think. It was on some thread a while back. You could order a cube or it, but personally i think u should suck it up n make the trip, cuz half assing soil is not good. Or you could order castings a guano online, n pick up some regular soil n mix your own....... NEG
Well what I did was start with a bale of peat moss, a 50# bag of guineapig pellets, wood shavings , sulfer, lime, a bag of green sand and a bag of top soil. The Green ( nitrogen ) is the alfalfa in the guinea pig pellets and the brown is the peatmoss and the wood shavings. Also I added perlite and then the top soil ( for microbes ) That got things started. No point in adding stuff like guano or other expensive materials at first wait for the composting process to be done. That is the general idea not specific instructions.
Online Just order online. I order everything online and have it delivered to work or home. The only thing you shouldn't have shipped to your house is seeds. Most companies ship by UPS or Fedex, which means the government (aka USPS) doesn't see your shit.
why dont you go to fox farms website, click on where to buy and then click you state , and that will at least tell you the place has fox farms and there soil is always good.
dude, I'm in Mexico and when I go the Home Depot in Cancun, they always have Pro-Mix.....hell they HAVE to carry it in the States...isn't that organic?
Main reason i use, perlite, sphognum (comes in a brick from lowes), and just a little seed starter soil. I just mix those in a 1:1 ratio and add just a little domolite lime and the medium stays completely neutral only dipping down to 6.3 after a "heavier" feed and highest i've seen is 7.2 in desperate need for food. If you can't find anything else it works great and only thing is you would have to feed them yourself since there is nothing contained in the mix.
Yeah i ordered what I needed online from www.wormsway.com Just got a bag of Ocean Forest and then Tiger bloom big bloom and grow big. Only got a quart of each of the ferts just because it was all i could afford with having to pay the rent soon also. Soon ill be buying a 400 watt HPS/MH,Mylar,Ferts in gallon containers and also more soil.
Out of curiosity, what is wrong with "Miracle-Grow" organic potting soil? Organic is organic, right? I mean, as long as there's a carbon molecule in there somewhere? (I think folks would be well served to recall that cyanide, too, is "organic") Organic is a buzz word, man. (Why would anyone bother with organics when they gotta' breathe the air on this planet?!?) Don't stress about not being "entirely, absolutely, posilitely, 100% organic". Organics are great, in all seriousness, but damned if I'd skip the p/k boost at flowering? And that ain't organic! Go to HD and get the Miracle Grow, it'll be fine. And, you won't hafta feed it that much either, cause it's probably got food in it. (I'd get the cheap organic soil at HD, it comes without extra nutes--they stock it, just ask) Just make sure you don't burn the plants. Ya' can't nute the soil with added nutes like an inert mix. I firmly believe the hydro shops start all these "Miracle Grow is dirt from hell, and it'll rape your children" rumors on these forums. I'm an old geezer, I seen folks grow dope in Miracle Grow since the late 60's. Done it meself several times, always with excellent results. Hell, I'd still buy it, but I can't afford the good shit!!! Anyway, don't let anyone shame you into driving 4 hours for a freakin' bag of dirt. Take some initiative. It's a weed, for christ sake, miracle grow is too good. OK, maybe THAT was a bit overboard, but you know what I mean. Seriously, it isn't that complicated. I've met some real idiots who grew great dope. Hell, I've done it, so I KNOW anyone can!!! The single most difficult art to master is NOT loving your plants to death. I've met, perhaps 2 growers (out of dozens) who didn't burn their plants via overfeeding in the first few runs. I've seen folks burn them, turn around and diagnose a nitrogen deficiency and the feed 'em more nutes. Don't feed 'em 'til they ask for food---When you can figger that one out, you have "grabbed the pebble, Grasshopper". I wish you the best of luck, and I know you will do a fine job. Just remember, don't overfeed 'em. porgy