white powder coating

Discussion in 'Pests and Plant Problems' started by crossbreeder, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. crossbreeder

    crossbreeder Guest

    new seedling at 2-3rd leave pair 6 days from germ..under flouro lights appears like yellow pollen dust. Normal light make it look white. 60X mag shows small particles...very even distribution- like each cell is making this stuff. I think the plants closest to light are coated the heaviest. Plants seem fine..using PH balanced h20 and Schultz potting soil with 50% vermiculite/perlite added NO ferts or spraying.
  2. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

  3. bonghitter

    bonghitter Germinated

    Powery mildew forms a white to grayish powery

    growth, usually on upper surfaces of leaves.

    Leaves of severely infected plants turn brown

    and shrivel.

    Improve air circulation.

    applying a 0.5%solution of baking soda

    (1 tsp. baking soda in 1 qt. water) may help to

    control the disease.
  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    #Moderation Mode

    Crossbreeder eh? LOL! I use that name on another famous growsite myself.

    Moved here
  5. crossbreeder

    crossbreeder Guest

    wasnt sure this was actually a problem or sick plant...

    I guess mildew would be bad...

    the refered article pics dont match my plants, however the pics might be a more advanced case..

    guess I will move my lights up a bit and see if the low temp helps to slow or stop this powder..
  6. crossbreeder

    crossbreeder Guest

    looking more like you guys are right...think its getting worse despite moving the lights..

    I guess my problem is I dont see how mildew lives in intense light....but I will try the baking soda.. Ive been doing the high PH spray but doesnt seem to stop the mildew
  7. OutlawServer

    OutlawServer Germinated

    Get A mild antifungal prepration spray your leave, do you have a fan in your grow ? If not get one mildew and fungus are byproducts of heat and humitidy nature provides a breeze, indoor growers need to replicate the outdoors. (Help Them To Breath)
  8. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    I'm just throwing this out there, but would it help if you were to add a wetting agent to the fungicide?? I was just thinking about it so I'm asking because I don't know. I know that a wetting agent like SM90 helps get nutes into your foilage so would this aid in getting rid of mildew??
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Having dealt with this problem extensively and trying damn near everything to get rid of powdery mildew I know that the one thing that truely works is a sulphur spray. I got one at a local hydro store that was safe for use on veggies. Nothing else worked I'm tellin' ya. [​IMG]
  10. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    what about a sulphur burner [​IMG] I was told that this works well for mildew aswell as bugs too. What's you thoughts on that ?
  11. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Same thing Dew...different method of application from what I understand of it. It's the sulphur that does the trick.
  12. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    thanks HS, I'll give it a go...

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