who used bloom booster bfore

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by htownrecords, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    has anybody ever use bloom booster cus im using it and im wondering if its any good
  2. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    What brand??
  3. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    i have heard of bloom booster before not sure if its the same one im thinking of..whats the brand and NPK?
  4. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    Is it Miracle Grow 10-52-10[​IMG] If it is be cautious when using that ****!
  5. alz

    alz Developed Alternating Nodes

    i use ionic grow then bloom and boost
  6. the monster xxx

    the monster xxx delta-9-THC

    if it works, i'll have to try that stuff sometime
  7. herbgrower

    herbgrower Veggy Stage

    Yep,sure do ! :bigok:

    I use an Orchid Bloom Booster as it is pretty high in "K".

    ONCE a week only and when you first start "feeding" your plant's,start off with about 1/2 the dosage then work ya way up from there!

    Hope that has helped ya's a bit. :wink:

  8. herbgrower

    herbgrower Veggy Stage

    Double post,sorry people's !

    Yep,sure do ! :bigok:

    I use an Orchid Bloom Booster as it is pretty high in "K".

    ONCE a week only and when you first start "feeding" your plant's,start off with about 1/2 the dosage then work ya way up from there!

    Hope that has helped ya's a bit. :wink:


    (Edited by herbgrower at 2:10 pm on June 17, 2005)
  9. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    its miracle gro 10-52-10 what should i watch out for herbman?
  10. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Miricail grow is nothing but bad it will bring a bad chemicail taste to your plants buds no matter if you flush and also doesent do much for wha tits worth just go with some organic fertilizer that would be your best bet
  11. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    how many times do u think i have to flush before harvest be cause i dont want to get sick from it , im using half the dose i stopped using it about a week ago cus im not sure how long i got left before harvest is there any way to flush out the m.g out of the plant faster like in 2 weeks probably
  12. herbgrower

    herbgrower Veggy Stage

    How long have you had them under 12/12 for and what strain ya got growing?

  13. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    bagseeds i started them under 24 for two weeks then to 18/6 for about a month then they were sexually mature then switched to 12/12 it showed it was female on the 25th of may im using two compact floros 42 and a 32 watt and a 1 foot 15 watt repta sun tube its a light for a lizard and a 2 foot 18 watt tube i watered wit marical gro bloom booster 10-52-10 every 14 days i stoped using it about a week ago the top of the plant it stoped growing it has the one leafs but that was only noticable like 6 days ago im new to this so im not really sure how far i am in the flowering stage my plant is about 3 feet tall but i hope that helped if u need to know more just ask me and i will answer it
  14. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    by the way the weed was mids
  15. herbgrower

    herbgrower Veggy Stage

    So,from my calculation's it's at about 6 week's old.

    Depending on wot strain ya got happening it could take 8-10 week's for ur plant to mature.

    Hope that has helped.

  16. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    do u think if i flush like 2-3 times a week and its done in like 2 weeks and ive only flushe once so far do u think there will still be miracle grow in it and would it be harmful i only used like a quarter of the recomended dose for m.j plants
  17. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    do u think if i flush like 2-3 times a week and its done in like 2 weeks and ive only flushe once so far do u think there will still be miracle grow in it and would it be harmful i only used like a quarter of the recomended dose for m.j plants
  18. herbgrower

    herbgrower Veggy Stage


    Wot medium r u using to grow in ?

    When i get to 6 week's i only use water for them,but that is just me.

  19. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    i only watered it with that bloom booster only about 4-5 times do u think if i flushed like 3-4 times a week do u think it will be clean of fert in like 2 weeks its in like a 1 or 2 gal pot with big holes in the bottom
  20. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    my bad about the second post but any way i mentioned about the pot size is that what u ment by medium

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