
Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by hygrade, May 7, 2009.

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  1. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    all i did was go invisible for a little bit,stop posting,closed shop,just thought it was the smart thing to do considering the circumstances.ANYBODY else would've done the same. so could someone please tell me how that means i got popped?
    ass covering is understandable and expected but this isn't a case of ass covering,it's just gossip,plain & simple. just a little real checking before spreading shit around should show that i haven't been popped anymore than anyone else here.i don't know who to address a pm to so i'm left with posting it like this. people are avoiding me that i consider friends and all i did was go invisible,still logged on every day.i've seen many members take little vacations longer and shorter than mine,never heard they got locked,in fact they are usually welcomed back pretty warmly.doesn't feel too warm when everyone's looking at you whispering behind your back.at least call me a snitch and tell me to bounce if nothing else,i mean what else would i be doing here if i got busted?:icon_scratch:
  2. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Don't know man. Hate for you to feel that way. I am always invisible myself, maybe that's why no one misses or talks shit about me when I am gone for a while. Welcome back to the visible "land" and don't worry about people who talk shit, they are the ones with pooh coming out of their mouths. :smoke2:
  3. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Be alittle more specific, please.

    Where did you see that someone said you were busted?

    I must've missed that.

    If it help's...I was asked about 'burning bridge's', simply because I chose to cut all ties with ppl who seem alittle too careless.

    I think it's funny, because, after being as 'to-the-point' as possible, they still don't get it.

    Learn the hard way, I guess.
  4. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    i'm hearing from different people that they heard i got busted over the shit that happened.and again,almost everyone i talk to around this forum and others are avoiding me.whoever is spreading this shit knows who they are,i do not or i'd just pm them myself.and it had to originate here.i live probably 1500 miles from the shit that happened and i've never heard anything else on it except now that i went to jail,now i'm back growing and on the forums,again i ask,what would i be doing here if that were the case?
  5. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    What? man they got you confused with neon or something. Hell I now zep took a break or something along those lines because of it all and bud went into incognito mode(no not google chrome, just hiding to an extent LOL).

    Like mr. astro said I must have missed that....
  6. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    First I've heard of it too. :icon_scratch: I don't recall seeing anything openly discussed about where you were...or weren't.

    I know there was a bunch of paranoia for a few days after the whole Neon thing, but it was all rumor and speculation for the most part.

    Care to elaborate? You can PM any of the mods if you don't want to discuss it here.
  7. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    the issue is i've heard from a few different folks that i got busted,nobody will tell me where its coming from just that it is being said.don't get me wrong,i'm not bitching because evreyone wasn't smothering me with love when i popped back up,i'm upset that this rumor is circulating and causing people to be wary of me.like i said,ass covering was expected,paranoia and all,but this is pure gossip and there should be no good reason for anyone to think that let alone tell other people that as if it were fact.the way i grew up you'd rather suck one than snitch and it bothers me like i said because people are believing it.so i guess what i'd like is for the person that started it to stand up and make it right or state what facts they have to that effect
  8. gizmo_barks

    gizmo_barks Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I still don't know what happened.

    I didn't see anything on the forum except that neon is baned, or something like that... and something about getting busted.

    As for you, your the only one that is spreading gossip.

    LOL: :kidding:

    :welcome: back, Hygrade.

  9. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    Ya cant get anyone or yourself into trouble unless you meet someone in person from this forum. Even if one did get busted, you do not help your self by ratting or telling or what ever you want to call it on someone else. Thats all bullshit. They tell you that it will help you or lessen your charge but its not true.
  10. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Is it at all possible that the person telling you all this...is a bullshitter??

    That person could have a beef with someone and how hard would it be to say "Hey hygrade...so-and-so said...", and get you all fired-up over them, for no reason? Then they move on to another. Devide And Concer. Wouldn't be the first time that I've seen that(not at GK; in life).

    Alway's take it for what it's worth. PPl are sneaky. Especially women!!! :rofl:
  11. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    If u call straight up ignoring someone, "to the point", than I guess u can say that.. I dont know whats up with u Astro. I thought we were cool, an all of a sudden u just start ignoring me.. If ur trying to say I was being careless, I dont understand that. U didnt cut off BUD, and I would say he was being a bit "careless".. I believe we you have done all the same things I have been doing. So if u say im being careless, possibly u should look at urself.

    Honestly, I think the vibe at GK is gone. I thought maybe shit would settle a little with time.. The shit sure did settle.. Right over GK.

    I've recently been attacked by thread, and PM, by new members I DONT EVEN KNOW, as well as members I thought I was cool with. I have never been disrespected so bad. I cant believe its happening here at GK. A few months ago I could have never imagined the disrespect thats going around GK now..

    Its crazy.

    Im done


    Mermaid likes this.
  12. Sativa7

    Sativa7 Germinated

    I think it is Bull*hit what they are saying about you bro but the best thing one can do is hang there head high and go about there business forget the haters they are probably just pissed that your back in the game and they are not and there is not any one of importance who cares about these rumors and its all hear say.....you need to forget those guys and just keep doing your thing cause if that is good enough for you its good enough for me .... i believe you that you didn't get popped it is just those haters spreading lies about you and by getting mad and upset you let them win ....i say F**K the hater but they do give me motivation so let those loser keep hating you know ......stay up keep your head high it will all blow over
  13. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    What???????:icon_confused: :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch:

    First I've heard of all that too. Damn do I live in a cave?
  14. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    I know.......hold on lemme push this rock off my head...

  15. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    Canna does not miss any drama, so she should know.
  16. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    the basic jist of it is that it is obviously affecting my reputation as a decent guy to the point that folks are getting wary of me and thats pretty much all any of us have to stand on here in this online world of what we do is the reputations we build over time.would any of us be who we are here without ours?not the actual rep points but the rep you build from just being around.it may be as simple as someone just assumming but it's the type of thing that should be checked on before being passed on,surely there are exceptions but this isn't one.given,it may have been passed on as a tip and good looking out,but again,wouldn't it be best to check just a little first? i guess it hasn't been told to everyone obviously after all these responses saying so but it was said.and for the record,no i didn't get popped,if i did i'm man enough to take my medicine and i wouldn't be anywhere near the forums i frequent simply because i wouldn't ever bring that on the people that help me be better at what i love. i guess either way,i have nothing to prove,if you've heard it and believe it then i guess that's that,if you don't beleive it then thank you.if you didn't hear it,don't worry,i haven't seen the inside of a jail since 2001:rofl:
    TheCarpenter likes this.
  17. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest


    Hell people ignore me all the time on here does not bother me!! Cool your jets bro we still love ya

  18. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    GF: If you are being attacked that bad, let a mod know, they can take care of that crap.

    As for the "vibe": You got to remember, with an influx of NEW members comes people who think they know everything not only about GROWING but about the INTERNET. It takes people a while to adjust to such a chill place like ours, more so the little kiddies running around the site.

    Again, for both of you, if someone is doing something you don't think is right, against you, then tell someone who matters. Otherwise, BRUSH IT OFF, take a toke, and get back into the REAL game that MATTERS: The people here who are always going to judge you on your true merits, not rumors.
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    huh? News to me dude.

    Gfam??? huh?

    Must be an awefully big cave with all of us in here.
  20. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    i just want whoever said it to realize that it had a shitty effect,that's all,maybe in the future they'll ask before shooting
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