Pittsburgh NORML is raffling this car off, ten dollars per ticket and you do not have to be a PA resident. http://www.pittsburghnorml.org/win/ [YOUTUBE]-E0MkvHKThQ[/YOUTUBE]
Im all about the cause but god damn do I hate Patrick Nightengale and his cunt wife...scumbag robbed me of 2500...man do I got stories about them 2, wish I was a bigger asshole,lmao But, Id take the car in a hot minute!
Patrick Nightingale is the head of Pittsburgh NORML and a criminal defense attorney with his own practice. Theresa is his wife and an ex stripper. Working thru Pittsburgh NORML they recently managed to get the laws regarding possession of less than an ounce in the city of Pittsburgh reduced to a misdemeanor.
West palm beach has a $100 fine for less than 20g's. Saves the rich peoples kids from getting a record, meanwhile us poor folk still go to jail and get a felloney charge. So these people scammed or took CC's cash? That deserves a ass whip'n.
nothing to do with pot at all, used the POS for a driving case I had, I had 5 trailer loads of evidence that I was in the right and what was being offered to me and what was going to happen to me...JAIL...was complete bullshit!!!! This douchebag took my cash but wouldn't take my calls or listen to my explanations....all he said was, its ok man, I got this handled, don't worry about anything at all (meanwhile im shitting my pants cause they were trying to get me for 30days jail) your good man, just live life as usual, im looking thru everything you've given us....blah blah blah He shows up 1 hour LATE to my hearing, rushes in looking like an asshole, gets setup and I get seen....after explaining to the judge and other people that my guy is on point and credible....yea right!!!!!! Anyhow long story short...Nightengale barfs out practically nothing that would help me, states zero factual evidence and I then realize he hasn't done a fucking thing for me, hasn't read anything about my case or situation, hasn't contacted anyone who was a witness...blah blah.....fuckin judge slams down his hammer and tada...I get 30 days!!!! Luckily I had an appeal...I got the lawyer for the Pittsburgh Penguins and AEG entertainment and this LEGIT guy had it thrown out in a matter of weeks and my life went back to normal like it should have...I didn't kill or hurt anyone BTW So again...FUCK that dude and his cunt wife, I hope they both shit their pants in public on a daily basis Now gimmie that car, I probably paid for the tires and wheels!!!! Fuckers!:roffl:
Dam that sucks. Makes you wonder what they do with everone elses money. Prob will sell $50,000 worth of tickets and keep the cash and car.