wiring a ballast (pictures)

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by Outdoorchronic, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    yo whats up yall? i got a light and need help figuring out how to wire these up for power never seen anything like this....




    i only see 1 power cord and that be the black
  2. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    Hmmm is that a 150 watt? I believe you should have a place on the transformer to attach a white common wire. Are there any unused terminals?
  3. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    thanks man well its a 70 watter and i dont really know what a "terminal" is it like any other terminal a place for somthing to go...haha :p :confused: but it seems the 3 wires that are on there run strait into the copper wirring running all around the ballast
  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    That's kinda scary. :D Well first of all Outdoor....I see that the secondary of the ballast is all that you have. This means that the 'light' side is all there starting from the ballast out to the light. What I don't see are the primary wires coming from the ballast that connects to the 'supply' voltage. That's the other thing....what IS the supply voltage suposed to be for that ballast? Does it say anywhere? IF you are not sure about something it's best left alone. I could prolly wire it for ya in the field, but there's no chance in hell I'm gonna guess and put your life in danger telling you what I THINK is how it should be hooked up. I can't do that and feel good about things. :eek:
  5. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I'll tell you this much, you have some ugly ass toe's lol
  6. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    good thing my lady doesent have a foot fetish ;) haha well im geting a few more very soon and ill just discard this one the bring it into work the let the electrions work on it
  7. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    I'm glad you said it first. ROFLMAO!!! :D

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