hey guys. i have some worm castings on the way, 30 LBS of um, and i was wandering if it would benefit my plants,which are about 3 feet tall already and about to start flowering, to spread a layer on top of the existing soil. they are in buckets, and i heard that spreading a inch layer or so on top of the soil will help the plant grow. would it help with flowering? I also am going to plant some lowryders in a week or two, should i wait to put it around them? if theres enough to do both the existing plants i have and the lowryders then i wil, but which one would benefit more from a nice layer of worm castings? im jus thinking that it might be to late to use the castings to help plants that are already a few feet, so maybe i should use them on the LR. what exactly do they do? hope that makes sense. thanks alot
Not Totally sure...though... IMO my friend, yes they help your plant BIG TIME, they CAN do! Especially in Veggitation to be TOTALLY specific about the worm castings as i just did a write on that in another thread on ORGANIC soil's!!! But as for in Flowering, IMO, i REALLY do think it will do a good deal much for the flowering period, and it WILL "HELP" most definately, but not with anything that significant, the ONLY things you REALLY need NOW are SOME good BLOOMING agent and a BUD BOOSTER/ENHANCER!!! But adding the worm castings will offer a GREAT essential Nutrient to the medium, otherwise leading to maybee just , lesser need for the BLOOMING to be so strongin flower, so just watch your amounts of BLOOM and BOOSTER NUTES, Ontop of that mix your adding!!! (But apart from that, alll will be good for the plant with the worm castings in FLOWERING too! Thats about it, but il get bk to ya on this 1 brotha.... Ok mang? Peace Out for now, P.S, It will help in the veggitation mark and Period,and WILL HELP through the FLOWERING, GREAT additive for your pre-mix or additional addings for this particular PERIOD of flowering.... But as i said, il get bk asap my friend, REspect n Keep the growing going, UrBigBuddie.......:sign13: P.S, It WILL HELP a good deal though, so why not add some, prob just about 3 tbl spn full of them at a time, maybee just 2 tbl spoons , if your using a BLOOMING agent at a high-ish kinda stregnth too already though!!! (IMO, iff doing that, keep it at a STEADY mix of 2 tbl spoons when using a good stregnth BLOOMING AGENT ALONG WITH IT TOO):sign13: Keep that growing going brotha, PEACE! Get Bk n let me know how things are going, even feel free to PM me for ANY advice or assistance that i may be able to HELP with at all......
What I know about them is they help create air spaces in the soil by making the soil lighter. They also provide trace elements. You can try a tea with them, bone meal and some sea bird and bubble it 8 or more hours after adding a handfull of living soil and some blackstrap. I would add some kelp and a little coffee myself. But yeah you can mulch it.. Better for early veg IMO added to alfalfa meal.
there is a local farmers market here and a guy has a worm farm. He sells quarts of casting tea and pounds of castings. I mix a 5lbs bag of castings into my dirt mix Happy frog by Foxfarm mixed with promix by premier bag for bag. I have tried letting a plant grow in this mix without any other nutes or ferts and had good results. Of course useing a nute lineup gets the best results.
YEP.....Exactly! "iff poss"......... WORD! If ya can get ahold of it all, that is though......:icon_confused: Respect n Out peep's, UBB.......
.... hey all. just got my LR seeds, so im gonna plant them ASAP. i have a 30 LB bag of worm castings. I want to know what portions i should add the worm castings to my soil. I am using basic scotts potting soil, which looks good just as is, but i want to add the castings to make it more of a thorough soil. im using 1 gallon pots. how much castings should i add to the soil in a 1 gallon pot to make it adequate? i dont want to overdo it, even tho its organic, but i dont want to underdo it either lol. so should i add a handful in each pot? half and half? or what? thanks alot for the help guys.
Wom Castings = Humus = More Readily Available Nutes Wormcastings has a lot of humus and mironutrients. Humus helps plants by converting Nutrienst into Chelates that boosts nutrient uptake! Wormcastings also make the best PH Buffer....whether or not your PH is below or above 7ph....it won't matter with Wormcastings in the soil! With Wormcastings....you'll never ever need to regulate the Ph in your soil ever again! I've been using just simple tap water(Ph 7.6) and my plants look great! I never needed to check or adjust my PH(like in hydro). That's why I like Organic Soil best.....easy growing!! No fert burnz...No Flushing! Furthermore, my plants are sturdier;shorter;tighter internodes than in hydro. In fact, the hydro plants stems were much ezier to snap than my current organic soil onez! Hydroponics-i admit they vegetate much faster...but for all the wrong reasons: longer internodes, taller but weaker stemmed, fan leaves grow fatter(necessary to transpire effectively). The same strains growin in Organic soil are: shorther/bushier/stronger stems/smaller fan leaves(too much leaf to bud ratio causes that "hay" & "green" taste!). I'm still in Veggy Stage...so I can't report to you the differences in the Bloom Stage. Peace. :evil4:
I agree, organic soil will decrease your chances of ph and other problems...however....scotts potting soil and guano alone will not be the the miracle worker you seek...Check out Randy's organic thread to understand why, cause other wise I would be writing a paper....but, it ain't gonna kill you...I do rather like TEAS opposed to just adding to the topsoil, though, helps control the amount you are adding, thus easing adjusting later on if required.