How does everyone around here feel about putting live worms in your potting soil? Wouldn't it help the roots breath and slowly release nutes? Thanks
The nutrients you put into your water are likely to kill or shock the worms into uselessness. In an outdoor garden absolutely, but for potted plants I wouldn't suggest it.
Indeed. Earth worms are best left to eat themselves silly. In a grow soil we dump all kinds of crap like fish emultion into their meal. Good call "No One Likes U" Pardon me for these late replys. The board changed and I gots me a GF and and and well Ahhhhhhhhhh........ Cheers!
??????????????? i was reading the high times grow q & a and i saw this question. ill copy and paste the q and the answer. the place is called max yields grow q&a. Q: Max,When growing indoors, will plants grow better if live earthworms are put in the plant containers to fertilize and aerate the soil? A: Earthworms are not required to grow healthy plants indoors but they are very beneficial, especially if your soil is composed of a lot of organic fertilizer. Some of it won't be fully composted and therefore unavailable to the plant. The earthworms will consume and process it, excreting waste products rich in nutrients.
worms would also soften soil up, if you have a clay like soil, it would be very helpful in softening it up.