You're grounded...oh wait

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by skunky, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Did you guys see this crap. Some highschool girl was actually dumb enough to report her dad to the schools liaison officer. Man that sux!!! I bet some guy see liked was using her to get bud from her dad then quit talking to her.

    Sheriff’s Report: Girl Reports Dad’s Marijuana Plants

    Fri, Jan 09, 2009 10:47 am
    more: headline news, busted


    MANATEE — A Palmetto man has been arrested on a charge of growing marijuana after his daughter reported his operation to a school resource officer, according to a Manatee County Sheriff’s Office report.

    The Palmetto High School student told a Palmetto Police officer at the school her father was growing pot in their home in the 6100 block of 63rd Avenue East, according to Palmetto Police Lt. Scott Tyler.

    Palmetto Police then turned the tip over to sheriff’s deputies because the girl’s house lies in the county, Tyler said.

    Based on the tip, deputies early Wednesday went to the home of Patrick C. Allerton, 63, to conduct a welfare check on the girl and saw a bright light and blue tarp through an open window, with an odor of marijuana wafting out.

    Allerton at first would not let deputies in the house, but he sent his daughter out to investigators. Sheriff’s child protection officials placed Allerton’s daughter in the custody of a family friend, the sheriff’s report said.

    Threatened with a search warrant, Allerton agreed to allow deputies to search his home. They found eight marijuana plants and seven grams of pot in a dresser. Deputies also found more than $3,600 cash in the dresser along with drug paraphernalia, the sheriff’s report said.

    Allerton said he grew the marijuana for personal use and never had any intent of selling it, according to the sheriff’s report.

    Deputies arrested Allerton on charges of felony manufacture of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana. He was being held in the Manatee County jail Thursday on $10,500 bond.

    Students are often encouraged to report drug activity and other crimes to their school resource officers, Tyler said.

    “I would like to think drug education that begins early in school has created an environment where students feel comfortable reporting what they see,” Tyler said.
  2. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Really hits home. I never grow more than 3 plants and don't keep a scale or baggies. I also have a spotless record. But they don't give two shits, a felony would ruin my life. Poor guy, I hope the daughter really regrets it. I would never sell a parent out.

    We aren't hurting anyone, every person in jail or prison for pot many of them...we gotta keep fighting for them.
  3. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yea doesn't mention anything about a mom or other family, says they released her to friends of the family. I hope she has family otherwise I don't think that girl realizes the situation she put herself that she will probably have to deal with until she is 18. One of those :5headache: momments.
  4. Gratitude

    Gratitude Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Sounds like he was a little slow...

    "Based on the tip, deputies early Wednesday went to the home of Patrick C. Allerton, 63, to conduct a welfare check on the girl and saw a bright light and blue tarp through an open window, with an odor of marijuana wafting out."

    Sounds like he was not taking any precautions AT ALL. Sucks that it went down that way but if dude won't use a scrubber or keep stuff out of sight then it was only a matter of time... The best security in this case would have been maintaining a good relationship with his daughter...

    I have to think this is possible because my 3yr old daughter is climbing up on my lap to give me a hug right now while I'm typing this. The teenage years are scary to think about...

  5. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I actually did time with a guy who had the same thing happen to him... He was seeing a girl, with a son though, so it was really his step son.. But neways, he was growing in his garage. He had grounded his step son for whatever reason, and the boy got pissed off an phoned the police to tell them his step dad was growing dope in the garage. I think he pled down to the paraphenalia charges. Whatever rate, I think he only did a few months. He was out before I was, for sure.

    That is very scary, if you have kids of your own..

    I know an old head who openly smoked, and grew infront of all of his kids.. He has 2 older boys my age, and a little girl who is in the 6th grade now, I believe.

    Anyways, he smoked at the kitchen table daily, while she would be in the living room.. She heard all of his growing stories he would tell me growing up..

    I think she was in 3rd grade, when she spilled the beans to a teacher or counselor at school, how her dad smokes and grows. Needless to say, he got a call from the school for a meeting. He was super noided out after that and cleaned up his whole house.. He actually quit smoking for a short period.

    Needless to say, he doesnt smoke infront of his daughter anymore, and he doesnt grow in his place nemore.

    We dont give young kids credit a lot of times, for the things they see and understand. I was exposed to pot smoking at a young age, and I still have memories to this day..

    Just be careful, and smoke responsibly.. No grow adult should ever be smoking infront of children anyways.. Its just not moral..


  6. mr.anonymous

    mr.anonymous What to grow next is hard

    I have a 10 year old,they teach them so much at school these days and she is not stupid. She has never really....say cought me but like i said shes not stupid.I've slipped and left my bowl on my nightstand or she bargeges in my den with out knocking first.(we fixed that made her stand there and knock on the door for about 10 min 1 day,but then that shit got on my nerves i was going for 1/2 hour)So you have to sit them down and have a what my dad witch was and still is a smoker "what goes on in the house stays in the house"You have to give your kids alot more credit these days then when we were 10. Hell even 1/2 there toys out there run on some kind of computer chip.And even more importent then safty. that Grad. is talking about is his second statement he made is the most importent,have a good and open relation ship with your kids.Because like i said before there not stupid, I bet more then 1/2 of us that have kids over 10 and we think they dont know,but they do!They just dont know how to say something.
  7. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    mr. a

    a ten year old and an 11 year old is a big 11 year old and a 14 year old is another big difference....what i am saying cannot reason with child that is 10 or 11 or 14 or 17 until they are about 19-21 do they start likeing their parents again...i am not talking about xmas and bdays..i am talking abou the rest of the year...if you think you can reason with your 10 old about "things that happen at home, stay at home "what you crazy...they know that words are bad to front of you....they know they should not talk about family matters with front of you...but with their friends they tell everything...please dont go through the rest of you kids life not konwing will be hurt several always get mad at parents and talk to their friends..and as far as getting busted with the kids telling the school cop ...cops train those kids every day by being nice to them and comforting them if there are fights at home and the school cops talk to the counselors and it takes about 2 wrong words from a child in school and parents life can change forever....IF YOU GROW AT HOME..ONLY LET WIFE (MUST BE LONGER THAN 10 YEARS) KNOW ABOUT IT AND NEVER ANYONE UNDER 18....OR 19 OR 29....thats my humble opinion...thanks for reading...hope it helps one person...
  8. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    To me this is like living your porn in plain site or watching it during family time.

    I am "lucky" that my daughter does not live in my house (of course, I would rather put up with the risk of her finding something out than have her not living with me, but).

    We quit smoking anywhere near her by age 3 or four. Before that, my fiancee would go into our bedroom while myself and my daughter watched tv. Did her business, then we switched.

    The moment when we quit doing it at all: My daughter opens the box we keep some of our stuff in, asks what it is. Easy to pull off the pipe excuse since I am a pipe smoker, but that is when I realized that it wouldn't be just a walk in the park anymore to keep her immune from what we do. Just isn't worth it.

    But telling on your parents? The only reason a child would do that would be because they were made about some immature thing, abuse situations aside. It will bite the kid in the ass, and they will regret it one day when they are smoking dope in college.
  9. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    they learn all of there lessons by mistakes...and do you really think a 14 year old cares about consequesnces...NO WAY...especially if the consequences are against her parents...or his parents..probably his as boys are the stupidist about this...the bathroom trick..(lucky we adults have a bathroom in master these days) bu the bathroom trick works until about 10 or 12...untill you leave them home for the first time ...and they are checking out everything...i mean everything...the sock drawer to the inside pocket of your the side pocket of you golf bag...they look everywhere...i did...and that was 100 years ago...(i am not talking about the 20 percent of kids that are good and level headed..) and it you that its your kid that has that 20 percent gene...just think about what you did at 14 to 18 to today
  10. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I don't have kid's(bumbed), but that's how all my friend's operated. That's my opinion, of course. Once they're walking, it's time to be discreet.
  11. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    I did too! And I found my dad's stash too. And porn, and what have you. Kids will get into EVERYTHING. I have memories as far back as like 5 or 6 years old tearing the house apart for change when my parents were asleep.....Is that too young lol? I have always been a bit of a "bad" kid. Ok, fine, I was just awful :icon_razz:
  12. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    i bet you were a cute aweful kid hve to say this..there may be others here as old as me...when i was a 5-6-7 year old...i live in the country but we had a store about 100 yards away...i am the oldest and after helping my dad with all the honey doo shit my mom wanted would send me up to the store and get him a six pack...we could do that back then...when i was 16 all my friends worked at that owned and operated... i never had problems getting
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    What a timely thread.

    I'm dealing with this issue right now. I have 13 y/o and 16 y/o daughters. In the house one day snooping they found my veg room which had been carelessly left unlocked. I suppose it was a major curiosity to them what was in that closet that they never get to see.

    They were intitially very frightenned and called my sister (a child psychiatrist and trusted confidante for them). When I arrived home we all sat at the kitchen table and discussed what this means and why I grow. We (my sis and I) shaded the truth abit and talked about it from the medical side explaining why I grow pot. One of the reasons I toke it is for pain relief from nerve damage do to a paralized limb (long wreck years ago). We explained the pain clinics I've used...the opiates that don't work...the bio feedback pain management that doesn't work....etc...and how MJ helps to push back the nerve pain enough to sleep. We also explained that there are several people (unnamed to them) that I give pot to to offset chemo treatments and long term fibromyalgia pain.

    Not that I don't enjoy a good buzz...but that seemed the wrong way to go about it at this time.

    We also explained that I am not endorsing getting stoned or underage use of anything. I would get just as pissed at them for drinking, or getting high underaged as I would for abusing pharmecuticals.

    I promised that they would never see me smoke pot. They have never seen me drink or toke in their lives and this one is easy. That if they were uncomfortable I would stop growing. NOW. If they needed to talk they could talk to any of their aunts or grandparents (who all now know of my growing) about what is happening in their home.

    I am a divorced dad with a ***bitch*** of an ex and the kid's biggest fear was that their mom would find out and take them from me. We then discussed that this is one of the many reasons I don't tell anybody.

    It lead to some very good topic disussions over the past week on the states and provinces that do allow med use and US marijuana laws in general. The oldest has since gone on a medical marijuana study fest. No surprise there.

    Now, I have two very bright mature young ladies for daughters. Both are in student council, varsity athletes and honor roll students. I trust them both, but am I nervous? Fuck yeah I'm nervous. Kids, even the best kids, talk. Mine are most likely no different.

    In 4 weeks my current clones and seedlings go into flower. At that point I'll be tearing down the veg closet. I'll be done with the current cycle of growing 10 weeks later and will most probably be tearing down for awhile to see how things play out. Kids are kids and even good ones can act irrationaly at times. Trust them or not it is up to us, the adults, to protect ourselves from the fallout of our activities. Not them.

    cheers and thanks GKers for the forum to air these things. It's a great place. After OG fell apart and I went offline I never realized how much I missed a respectfull place to discuss MJ,it's growing and surrounding issues, until I came back online here.
  14. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Man, Res thats a tough one there.. It sounds like you handled it the best way you could.. I give u props for the way you handled that.. If I would have spotted my old man's grow when I was a kid, He'd say, "Damnit boy, why dont you stay outta my stuff!", lol. I think thats what he said when I found his bud, pipes, a sativa monster... ;) it seemed like 12ft. at the time, but I was real young.. I remember when I found his seeds, he tried to tell me it was bird seed. I knew the way his face flushed ( same as when I found his other paraphenalia) when I asked him what they were , that they were pot related.

    I think I said this three times now, but I give u major credit for the way you handled your kids RR :) . I can understand why you are worried about your kids talking to their friends or teachers about this issue.. Im sure you stressed the point that MOM cannot find out.. IF she did, you know she would have a field day with it..

    Does your ex know that you grow? Or did you not grow when you were with her?

    I would just make sure you stress the fact that they must not tell anyone about this.. Explain to them the consequences of the matter, if ppl were to find out, and word spread to the 5-0. Tell them that jail is not an unlikely option if word were to spread.. Not to mention, your reputation, the police are likely to talk all of your possessions, if they can prove u used drug money to buy anything you own.

    Is it possible to move your flowering plants and move them to a secure location to finish? A different part of the house, or maybe a buddie's house? Then you could tell them, that you decided to do away with the plants, bc you felt they were uncomfortable, or for whatever reason...

    I wish you the best of luck with this little dilemma. I hope everything works out for you and your family Res..


  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Thanks for the words GF. This too shall pass.

    I'm just feeling a little exposed at the moment. Not necessarily embarrassed by what I grow. I believe in what I'm doing and can support my argument but nobody.....NOBODY...ever knew how I got my weed. Family didn't ask and didn't care. The folks I supply probably knew but it was never talked about. When my kids found out I called the rest of the family (parents and other sisters) to let them know that the girls may be asking some questions and to make sure they (the girls) had someone besides me to talk to about it.

    My sisters think I should come out totally and put some of my political advocacy work behind it. Methinks they don't quite understand the inherent risks of such an action.

    In any case, I think the prudent action is to finish up as usual and let things settle for awhile before another grow. If the girls see me quick tear down everything they may start to believe I'm ashamed of what I'm doing. That's not the message I care to send. If I go about my biz as usual and just not restart it is a more natural transition.

    I usually cycle a grow every 18 months or so and expect to net about a little over a pound from these two flower cycles. If I give 8 oz away that leaves ahalf pound for me. The amount I smoke that should hold for a year and give time to sift through any possible fallout.

    Pisses me off tho. If I lived in Vancouver or a number of US states there would be no issue. My dad did share an interesting piece of family history tho.

    Seems that back in prohibition days my grandpa brewed beer and sold it to the neighbors until my grandma found out and made him stop. He used to hide it in the rainbarrels and stock dams on the farm. Must run in the family.

    Thanks again,
  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Oh in answer to your question "Did my ex know?"

    I have two exes. The kids mom (bitch extraordinaire) ten years apart, who has no idea what is going on.

    And a wonderfull lady who I have been split with a couple of years. She is the fibro patient I supply and has a pretty good idea what I'm up to but we keep solid boundaries. The old ex issues and insanity surrounding her took a toll on that marriage and we split amicably to allow her to remain sane.

    That's it...take care Gf,
  17. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    you are making the correct analysis

    wow..your kids are right in the middle...they sound like beautiful well adjusted young ladies..good for the best of conditions...(2 parent family at one home,) it is a bitch to raise kids...and none of us understand until we have done it...and even then it doesnt necessarily mean one is like would like to commend you for shutting down your grow for at least 4-5 years until the youngest is in might want to just buy in bulk...a couple of a year would not be too bad..and as for the x....with the fibro problems...cant she afford her own....good luckk...

    ps...i know you will miss is fun and for me...i find it comforting to do...and i am very proud of the gk family smart ass answers...and lots of good vibrations for you...thats kewl...
  18. BlazeOne

    BlazeOne Pothead Extraordinaire

    I'm 19, 20 this february 15 and i knew my dad smoked since i was very young maybe 5 or 6. I knew the smell so your kids might too im sure your kids also see your change in behavior.

    now i dont have any kids (yet) but here are some things to remember when there young to keep them happier during the teen years

    let your kids know they can talk to you about anything (try not to laugh too much when they say something embarasing.) instead of saying no try how about this instead always incourage them to do something good instead of discourageing them to do something bad(if that made sense) children remember most of what they hear but sometimes they have a hard time discriminating good choices from bad ones.peer pressure is a hard thing to handle especially at a young age and I know everyone knows something about this one. get your kids eating right (give them cheese sticks for snacks instead of doughnuts) and get them out of the house and moving they wont be so grumpy as if they were staying inside all day eating and playing video games. take them to the park and play with them dont just "drop them off" and sit on the bench. these things will strengthen your relationship with your kids and the younger you start the stronger the bond is and the harder it is to break
  19. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Thanks NC...I don't know how much credit I can take. Sometimes as parents we just get lucky. You may be right on the no grow thought tho. No matter what, after the next flower cycle is done I'll have a year to figure it out. There are always other options than growing in the home.

    And yeah, the folks I supply may just have to part with a few $$ and enter the real world for awhile. They have had a nice free ride with me and it looks like it is going to have to end.

    Blaze, thanks for the advice. A younger adults perspective is greatly appreciated.

    cheers and thanks again for the shoulders,
  20. mr.anonymous

    mr.anonymous What to grow next is hard

    I'm sorry i just still dont agree.My dad grow pot for years and also did some fucked up things for years (no not games in the dark lol) But i was rasied to stick up for your familily no MATER WHAT and even at 10 i know if i said something about him growing pot it would bring down a world of shit.To my friends,cops any one,friends tell there par. shit i know that then because i did.I didnt say anything because when it was time my dad sat me down and had the talk.Now every ones kid is dif the age you should shit them down is diff. but you still need to sit them down and have the talk some time.Because if they dont understand your side,all they will hear is there side ie.. schools boyschouts so on. And i never said sit down and fire 1 up with them but be honest with them when YOU think the time is right.

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