I ran into an old friend, & we got to shooting the shit about growing......so I proceeded to tell him about the new seaweed concentrate I had just bought to add to my line up of nutes. Well he interrupted me to make his point, and to explain to me that I need to slow down and take it easy......so I shut up and listened to him talk as he explained his simple/organic method. He's been doing it for years, so I do listen to him, he grows some good stuff, anyway he explained to me that all you need to do is find someone who raises rabbits, then get about 4 gallons of well composted rabbit shit and buy 2 gallons (approx) of perlite. Mix well and plant your plants. This is all you need until flowering. Then just add some worm castings and a small amount of bat guano. Thats all. No more ferts. Nothing else. Other than that, just watch the PH of your water. Sit back, have a smoke and enjoy watching them grow KISS Does anyone here have experience with this? Peace
I'd like to work with rabbit. I have worked with Guniea Pig.. There is a difference. For one, Rabbit added to water then and add an air pump and air stone and pump air in that bucket is a high nitrogen feed. Rabbit is hot. Cosmo uses rabbit for his worms. I'd say composted with other things would be something I would want to try. So yeah old school on rabbit is good. IMO Randy
The scoop on poop! LoL It appears to have a higher npk ratio than any other poop. I've heard that rabbit is hot before, and am confused on that topic, (to be honest) as I've read several people say they use rabbit poop right from the rabbit, although these growers were not growing pot. "Rabbit manure is safe to use right from the start. It doesn't need aging or composting. If there's a lot of urine-soaked straw or other bedding with it, then I'd wait a week but otherwise I would not. We used to have a steady system of trench composting when we had 70-80 rabbits. Dig a trench a foot deep and fill it in 8" with fresh manure. Cover that over and plant right away. By the time the roots got down to the manure, it was well rotted and totally safe for the tenderest roots. And that was with those roots growing right into the pure stuff. Surface crops the first year, root crops the next." Manures source N P K comments Rabbit manure 2.4 1.4 0.6 Most concentrated of animal manures in fresh form. Cow manure (dairy) 0.6 0.2 0.5 Often contains weed seeds, should be hot composted. Steer manure 0.7 0.3 0.4 Often contains weed seeds, should be hot composted if fresh. Chicken manure 1.1 0.8 0.5 Fast acting, breaks down quickest of all manures.Use carefully, may burn. Also, stinks like hell - composting definitely recommended. Horse manure 0.7 0.3 0.6 Medium breakdown time. Duck manure 0.6 1.4 0.5 . Sheep manure 0.7 0.3 0.9 . Worm castings 0.5 0.5 0.3 50% organic material plus 11 trace minerals. Great for seedlings, will not burn. Is a form of compost, so doesn't need composting. Desert Bat Guano 8 4 1 Also contains trace elements. Fast-acting, mix in soil or as tea (1 C guano to 5 gal. water). Cave Bat Guano 3 10 1 . Fossilized Seabird Guano 1 10 1 Slow release over 3 to 12 weeks, best used as an addition to potting mix. Peruvian Seabird Guano (pelletized) 12 12 2.5 Legendary fertilizer of the Incas. Use in soil as a long lasting fertilizer, or make into tea (1 tsp pellets to 1 gallon water).
Why don't you guys test it, and post the results here. I think I'm gonna have to pass on this one though. Peace
It's not going to work. I have used MANY different mediums. I did a horse shit compost once, sat in a sack in my backyard full of redworms for over a year. I've done grows in straight leaf mulch, straight composted horseshit, used a lot of rabbit shit...it is very good, BTW like little time release pellets...crush some leave some whole, etc, etc, etc anyway, there are a couple of issues that come into play with these sorts of things that monkey up a grow effort. first thing is watering....straight shit drys out and absorbs like a sponge. when you water, you have to add slowly over a period of a half hour or so otherwise over half runs straight through and onto your floor. drying out is also a problem...you have to let them wilt to bone dry otherwise the bottoms are ALWAYS going to be wet...rootrot it's also going to be too hot and you're going to get nitrogen burn at the very minimum. it would be the equivalent of feeding your kid only milk and eggs every single day there is NO SUBSTITUTE for a proper soil mix...never has been, never will be, the soil is the foundation of your grow, if you try to fuck around here you will be disappointed
Well this is why I posted this, to see if anyone has any knowledge about it. Thank you El Campesino for your insightful reply. Someday I'd still like to try it for myself, there must be a way to work out the kinks in it, as people are doing it. Although, it's not in my immediate future, I'll just keep it kicking around my head for now, and if the opportunity arises.... Peac
Well I have used both rabbit and chicken shit >>as I have a mini zoo here at my place Pretty soon my ducks will all have hatched as well. Chicken and rabbit will both run hot....but yah I still use a tad mixed in >>just gotta be careful but it can be done. Just do not put TOO much is all. All about balance and testing your soil. Being I have bat's living in my chimney>>also gather their droppings as well. I use everything when growing...that is just me tho. LOL... here is a funny story but true. My dad has a frd who grows killer tomatoes. Anywhos then my dad tells me he used his dog's shit when growing them!!! I was a lil skeeved but then thought hell....they do taste good. We have a joke now when he gives us his prize tomatoes...>>I call them dog shit tomatoes. The dude wins every year for his pirze tomatoes too. Randy...you used the guinea pigs?? Hmmmm we do have these ratties for pets>>>now you have me wondering. Peace~Mermaid
Oh I have reservations on using human waste due to heavy metals. But you can find out more on a google using "Night Soil" There is a history of human waste. Milorganite has been around a long time. ------------------------------------ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Milorganite® is the brand name of an organic nitrogen fertilizer produced by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. Popularized in the United States during the 1940s and 1950s, it consists of processed sludge from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Jones Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The fertilizer is made up of microbes that have digested nutrients from the sewage stream along with added iron, used to strip phosphorus from the waste water flowing into Lake Michigan. The name Milorganite is a contraction of the phrase Milwaukee Organic Nitrogen, and was the result of a 1925 naming contest held in National Fertilizer Magazine. Milorganite® 6-2-0 is sold throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Pacific Rim as a homeowner and golf course fertilizer
I was on another website where this guy was telling people that Mexican pot farmers shit on their plants. amazing the stupidity people can come up with....maybe I can track him down and get some answers
I used to collect bedding at a Snake Farm. The Rats lived in tubs with a paper bedding and it was packed with pee and poop. Great Stuff. Oh I like Guinea Pig poop.. Well for gardening anyway... Thought to make that clear... Ever notice they take three steps and drop a pellet? I always feed mine very well.. Fresh things like mellon, tomatoe and much more then find they want a handfull of yerd grass instead.
i think ill just stick with my soil mix of foxfarms warrior 30%, and foxfarms ocean forest 70%. you guys can play around with all that poop! LOL
Well only get one because you will love and care for them their whole life. Let me say I left min in the growroom and it went nuts.. I picked it up and held him and he tilted his head and buried it into my chest like a sad friend would do.. Then I understood that he had nothing to see or do.. Like a prison cell he had gone stir crazy. Never again... My little friend gets the life now... Good old pigger... Oh his second companion died so I am thinking of going over and getting him a new friend. Again people don't get animals for poop... They are sentient beings and they suffer if not cared for.
He got two new friends.. The two new guys were frightened near to death till pigger went over and got in the box with them.. Then that big round eye fear went to relaxed eye calm... I know guinea pigs.. I raised them once.. Had 200 plus sows... So all is well for my little friend. With 200 sows I had all the poop I wanted... But they could eat 50 lbs every three days of feed.. I made a special feeder that held 50 lbs..