May Donald Trump's Soul Rot in Hell

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SuperMoChombo, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Saw all of it. There's shitheads in the midst no doubt. There's also peaceful folk being heard. The difference is there's no "good" or "fine" Nazi's or White Supremacists. There are good people protesting them. Equating the two is absurd.
  2. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    No he is not. Defending yourself against racist is not being one you idiot

    I'm sickened by the ignorant racist BS I see from Trump and you. I wish I group of ferners would come string up a few thousand bikers. Hang em like dogs. For a hundred years.
  3. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

    Fuck Trump and all his idiot follows. I'm just so sick of the twisted lies and aggression. Stay the fuck out of my thread unless you have something honest to say.
  4. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

  5. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

  6. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

  7. SuperMoChombo

    SuperMoChombo Well-Known Member

  8. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Hey SuperMo... FUCK YOU!!! Stay the fuck out of everything. Maybe I'll fucken blow up your thread with a shit load of truths. You don't bring a fucking torch to a protest if you aren't looking for trouble. BOTH sides also wore helmets, brought shields and had clubs. Oh and by the way, yes I am a biker but I ain't no fucking racist but I'll still meet you for a "little talk" you piece of shit. I'll even bring the rope. We'll see who gets strung up. Asshole.

    Hahaha, I see you quoting the FAR left wing of Rolling Stone's Political bullshit. Maybe I'll stick a fucking Iron Cross up your ass.

    SuperMoChombo: Fuck Trump and all his idiot follows. I'm just so sick of the twisted lies and aggression. Stay the fuck out of my thread unless you have something honest to say.

    If you're sick of fucking lies and aggression, perhaps you should stop watching whatever fucking news that you are watching and learn some truth. You haven't said one fucking truthful thing in this thread yet. Oh wait, yes you did. You said you didn't know who the main players were. Fucken dumb ass. You don't even know who else to have voted for. You fucken make me laugh.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2017
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    So who's going to be the first to stand up and support President Tiny Hands pardoning a racist cop? We have support for a Prohibitionist Attorney General on a pro cannabis forum so it ain't much of a stretch.

    One thing for sure, Pres Tiny Hands has taken a solid majority of Repubs in the House and Senate who were willing to do his bidding in exchange for insane tax cuts for the top 5% and moved it squarely into the minority column. No way can he count on McConnell, McCain, or Flake any more when he needs support. Hillary never could have weakened the Senate or Congress coalition of power the Repubs held. It took Donnie Tiny Hands to do that. (Thank you Donnie.) The Orangeness has done nothing but weaken his position to enforce his version of change every single day of his Presidency (thankfully) and he's only got his narcissism to blame.

    Bans? We've been under ban threat? Then I'd assume I'd be the first to go. My understanding is keeping the shit to the thread and not spewing all over the rest of the board is giving us a bit of latitude. Being a mere Mod any bans are thankfully beyond my control because I'd have smacked my ownself silly with one a few times now.

    I got no love for Trump voters who are still supporting that asswipe, but can still appreciate growing talent and the one commonality we all share elsewhere on the board.
  10. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Well first off, I didn't vote for Sessions. He wasn't on my ballot so my support isn't for him. Yes Trump picked him but from what I understand, he wasn't his first choice for Attorney General and the Attorney General position wasn't the first choice for him from Trump. I still believe he can only go as far as Trump lets him. Trump is for Medical MJ.

    Now the ban. I don't know of any ban threat but I was so pissed off that that's what I thought of right after and how pissed I'd be if I was banned from here because of an asshole.

    Trump is doing what he said he would do. How else do you "drain the swamp" without getting the swamp pissed off? Fuck the old guard Repubs and fuck the old guard Dems. We need new blood with new ideas, not the same old same old. That's why Trump got elected. People are sick of the same old making themselves better off and leaving us further and further behind. See I see things the way I see life. I understand that a few Republicans are against shit that Trump wants to do just as I know that some Democrats are for some of Trump's ideas but the stupid shit of "we have to resist and get this guy who hates us career politicians out of office before he takes away all that we earned (but actually stole because you aren't supposed to get rich doing government office but some how they became millionaires. weird how that happened, isn't it?) makes them vote against EVERYTHING that gets put before them and then refuse to listen or even attempt to help make things go better for the American people.

    I don't know enough about about the guy he pardoned but again, as I understand it he was being prosecuted by Obama's team because he was doing his job as far as law enforcement is supposed to. He was trying to keep his town safe. I don't see anything wrong with that. Obama's Attorney General did a lot worse and didn't have to answer for any of the crimes he committed, which were far more serious and was trying to go around our Constitution. As a matter of fact, they wanted to eliminate the Constitution. Obama and Clinton were working toward a "New World Order" where they were in charge. That's not a conspiracy theory.

    I never asked you to love me. But I do deserve a little respect. People's political views should not change people's minds about each other. Trying to make people only see their side and thinking that only their side has the right answers and EVERYBODY else is completely wrong and are subject to ridicule because their thoughts don't align with theirs is fucking stupid. All our lives are different. We were all brought up different and in different environments. We all saw things differently and have responded to things differently. That's what is supposed to make this country great. We are supposed to disagree on things and be able to talk civilly about our differences not tell each other "Fuck you!! Go gulp more of their jism." just because we don't see eye to eye. That's how our world is supposed to act. You have you story and your beliefs and I have mine and he has his and she has hers. That's life. Any other way isn't the American way. It's blind allegiance to any cause or to any one party that gets everything going sideways. No one side is truly the "only side". There's good and bad in each and it is up to each individual to pick what he believes is the right way and live their lives accordingly. Your way is right for you. My way is right for me.

    Ok I'm getting too into my beliefs and how I see things but now you can probably see where I'm coming from. I don't want to make you change how you see things, just let you see my view just as I hope you wouldn't want me to change my ways but let me see yours.

    Alrighty then. Now to the nitty gritty. I have a deep appreciation for all that I have learned here and some day I do hope to have some talent in growing. See? I can still want to be like some of you but I don't have to have the same ideas or political views. Politics suck and that's why I NEVER talk politics with people that I've only met a few times and why I tried to stay out of this section of GrowKind. People become strange and will hate your guts for your beliefs.

    There. Now can I get a kiss and a hug?
  11. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Which has been my bitch from day one of almost every Presidency in my lifetime. DJT represents the worst of it. Obama had his "Messiah" crowd who thought global warming was going to stop and gave him a Nobel Peace Prize just because he got elected. Trumpie has it's adherents who'll embrace a Prohibitionist AG as "just a good ol' boy who don't know better" just because it's DJT's AG. Blind loyalty.

    You want a better world? A better U.S. of A.? Hold the cat you voted for accountable when he fucks up.

    Question....without Repubs supporting his agenda how is Donnie going to move it forward? He needs support. Without it he's simply a demagogue with a big podium.

    A kiss and hug? Nah... this is a version of 'Church' for growers. Since when do bikers kiss and hug in church? I've heard tell of a fight or two once in a while...but never a kiss.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
  12. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Depends on whens the last time they all have seen each other. Seen it all. Besides, I'm horny.
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

  14. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Blow the sucker up on the launch pad.
  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Thereby ensuring the deaths of 10,000,000 South Koreans with minutes and putting another 40,000,000 South Koreans at risk. China has stated unilateral action against North Korea will bring them into assistance of N. Korea. That's the problem with taking a hard line stance the Trump suckers want. Once the bluff gets called the only action left virtually guarantees the deaths of millions of human beings and war with China.
  16. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Well ok then, let's do it your way. Let them get it off and send it our way and they can blow up Guam or Hawaii or Los Angeles because no innocent people will be affected by that. Just millions of Americans. No problem.
  17. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    How is that my way? Please tell me you don't see things as that simplistic.
  18. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    No I don't. As a matter of fact the things that I would do is send an emissary to send a message while I had Japan's navy join ours in setting up where they can be seen by NoKo. My message would be to stop aiming missiles towards any of our allies or there will be hell to pay and have him look at the armada heading his way. I would let him know about the truth of what's going on instead of him relying on half truths told to him by his advisors, who are afraid of telling him he's doing wrong. I would let him know that what ever happens next is basically in his control. I would also let him know that there would be no way he or his country would get out of things alive. I would also get those damn nuclear rods out of his hands. But hey, that's just a dumb deplorable simplistic cum guzzler, so what do I know?
  19. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Okay so why does r-e-l-y-i-n-g come as Pinocchio?
  20. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    That seems to happen randomly, especially posting from your phone. I've mentioned it a couple of times.

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