Herb's new grow...

Discussion in 'Grow Log Forum' started by Herb, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    They’re coming along nicely Herb!
  2. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Thank you sir.
  3. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    I think they like their new homes. I already see a significant increase in growth. I love compost. :smokin:

    New Grow 03 29 18 025.jpg
  4. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

  5. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Nice root porn. Have to considered using fabric pots that let the roots air prune themselves? The only downside I’ve found is that they do dry out a day or so more quickly than a plastic pot will.
  6. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I just noticed the plastic bottle holding up the thermometer, has that got the ol'e vinegar odor control in it?
  7. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    I just use what I have on hand to be honest. I don't like dumping $$$ into things if I don't have to. I found that what I 'need' is always there for me...just gotta see what ya have to work with is all. Those roots will have plenty of room in the the pots they're in now to finish flower. No worries. :)
  8. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Nope...no vinegar. I still love the O3 gens best for odor control but for now I have a carbon scrubber hard at work. Not too terribly concerned about odor these days. What I'm doing is completely legal according to Cali. laws. Besides....I live in the freakin' boonies now! :roll:
  9. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    That's right, I remember seeing the scrubber. Must be nice to live out of town, Res has a nice spot too...I will prob never know a legal grow but know if I don't give stuff to strangers and keep the plant count low, worst case is not bad. Still keep rule #1 though. I do miss the old bowl of vinegar trick. It worked great for me all those years ago when I couldn't afford a can fan or ozone machine. I always remember you telling everyone to watch out for those ozone machines and I read up on them and found out how bad they can be for your lungs. You may have save a bunch of people from problems, my self included.
    Herb likes this.
  10. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Yeah breathing O3 is not a good idea but damn do it work on odors. I found my old pics yesterday...I miss that old grow box. This first pic shows the fan and O3 gen on the right. I had the O3 mix in the ducting I ran up in the attic so I didn't have to worry about breathing anything bad.


  11. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Day 41 in this adventure. I love that compost. These plants took off like a rocket! :smokin:

    I've done a bit of training where needed to get the tops even and to give everything a bit of room. They still haven't shown alternating nodes yet, but I expect they might any day now. Going to veg these until they get to be 12" tall then switch to 12/12 regardless of node spacing. I don't want the plants any taller than 24" - 36" when finished.

    New Grow 04 04 18 002.jpg
  12. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I still have that exact same light hood you had in your old grow pic. I will prob never use but cant seem to toss old stuff. Still have my old 400 and 1000w mag ballast also.

    The new plants look great. Nice and short and bushy. My favorite.
  13. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Thanks man. That was my old 250W MH light that I had first started growing with. Soon after that picture was taken I changed the lights in the veg chamber to the compact flos. I'm not sure what I did with that old 250W hood now. Been a long time.
  14. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Won't be long now. I can 'smell' the 12/12 coming. The Hashchis was the first to develop alternating nodes and looks like others may follow suit soon. Love their color too. Those are some healthy plants.

    Plant order is:
    Hashchis - Left Rear
    AK Widow47 - Right Rear
    Gorilla Bomb - Center
    Sweet Soma - Left Front
    Chocolate Cream - Right Front

    New Grow 04 07 18 003.jpg

    Gorilla Bomb:
    New Grow 04 07 18 004.jpg

    New Grow 04 07 18 005.jpg

    AK Widow47:
    New Grow 04 07 18 007.jpg

    Sweet Soma:
    New Grow 04 07 18 008.jpg

    Chocolate Cream:
    New Grow 04 07 18 009.jpg
  15. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    looking nice and healthy.
    Herb likes this.
  16. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    looks like you have done this before AWESOME-Bud
    Herb likes this.
  17. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Natural bush... got to love it! Lol
    Herb likes this.
  18. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Maybe a time or two. :baked:
  19. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    LMAO! While I normally prefer things nice and trim....sometimes bushy is best. :punk:
  20. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    Flower time is just around the corner. Starting to see alternating nodes on all the plants now and they've all just about reached the desired height. I made some cages to support the ladies and keep things tidy then switched out the 600W MH with the 600W Eye Hort. HPS :light: I will most likely change over to 12/12 this coming Saturday. The plants should have grown sufficiently by then. I'm getting excited now...let the fun begin!

    New Grow 04 10 18 001.jpg

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