Ok, I have picked my balls up off the floor and got some seeds sprouted. 5 reg Mosca "C99", 3 reg Tree Town "P13", 1 fem Barneys Farm "Phat Fruity"... all but 2 have already sprouted. Got to get them in 2 gallon pots next. Have to do soil this round till I get my new stealth set up done, when I get some clones, then DWC baby! Cant wait! These are going to have to sit out side for 2 weeks or so to bush out in the sweet sun shine. I hope this will help them grow out fast for clones. I am not really a outdoors grower, but plenty of help here on GK....
I did a seed, it was sprouted on 5/24 so a month ago. It is no where neer clonable. It is on its 4th or 5th set of leaves not counting its first single finger ones. I will take a picture when im there, im guessing it should start to take off good now and will be 2 more weeks till its clonable. This is the first time i looked at how long ago it sprouted, holy crap, thank god for clones.
Right on man. It all starts with that first step. I was able to go from seed to harvest in four months....you got this!
Thanks guys, I hope to get something out of the Barneys farm phat fruity but hope the fem wont hermi. I had ran a couple other Barneys strains in the past that did. The c99, with 5 seeds will mean atleast 2 females. And I will be happy with that. The 3 p13's, I should get atleast 1 female, its ak cherry pheno goodness, they are a tall plant so I will need to top, I think the rule of thumb Is top after the 4th set of nodes? Or was it after alt nodes start?
Check...this is how I did it in my indoor grow....waited until the plants had enough nodes that I could leave 4 branches and still use the top for a clone. I took mine to flower 6 1/2 weeks after they popped out of the soil. IMO that was THE soonest I could do that and get away with it. I was 'speed growing' you could say...kinda like what you're doing right now. That gave me the plants I have now for my outdoor grow (first set of clones in the rockwool died...round two was bubble cloned, pruned tops from the clippings they received going into flower). I can honestly say it hurt my yield by pushing the plants to flower so early...but it worked for what I needed. Ya do what ya gotta do man. I went with fem. beans though too...so there's always a risk. I got a hermie but was lucky enough to dodge the bullet too. I guess that's the best we can hope for man...toss the dice and see what happens....roll with the punches along the way. That's what makes it fun.
One more week from the pic and i would do like herb said and top it and clone the top. It wouldnt hurt to top it now but it will bush up quicker after the extra week because i would also take the big leafs off now witch would get those branches you see in the pic more light and the leaves would get much bigger, then when you top it has plenty of leaf surface on those branches.
One thing that sucks is it's raining 7 days a week but I can get them in direct sun for prob 4 hrs a day, maybe more. I am not sure how great that is but I cant leave them off the covered porch all the time or the daily monsoons will tear them up. They are getting a good shaded sun now, which is getting them growing,
Unless there is environmental issues with your indoor i would leave them inside till they have there 3 fingered leaves, i didnt notice a difference from the two that i did under the 600 MH to this one that was in the sun. Other then those i have not done seeds for a long time so i cant say for sure that that is best but as far as i remember i didnt get any extra speed until i had decent leaf surface.
I top after they are at least 5 to 6 internodes. You want the plant tall enough that when you cut the top off the plant there is enough top to clone. The rest will bush out as far as side growth goes will bush out.
Ok. Update, I am behind the ball on transplant. Tomorrow hopefully I can get it done before disaster strikes. Rain fucked up my Barneys farm phat fruity, I still got 4 c99 and 2 p13's. I should be able to get them moved indoors this week and get them under led cob lights and then they will take off. I will get them sexed and as long as I get a female each, I will be back in action soon..
I thought the Barneys farm was pretty much dead, the stem broke from heavy rain and it wilted like it was dead...Dr. JCIO stepped in... I put in more soil, propped it up with a piece of wood and it is bouncing back, already got 2 new leaves. Sometimes you get lucky and watch this plant be a good one.